Historic Gruntify Releases 2024

Historic Gruntify Releases 2024

New features and release details for Gruntify Professional and Gruntify for Business during 2024.

iOS and Android apps may not be available on the date listed, as it can take a couple of days for the apps to be approved and rolled out to all territories.


Release Identifier 20240717


Wednesday, 17th of July 2024

This Production update includes all items from the below release:

Historic Gruntify Releases 2024 | Release Identifier 20240619

The following additional items were patched into UAT post-release and are also included:

Web Updates


  • Fixed an issue where the Map Object Properties popup could not be accessed in the Location tab of an entity if it was in Geolocation mode

  • Fixed an issue where file uploads would be denied if the file extension was in uppercase

  • Fixed an issue where you could not right click + paste in the search bar

Mobile Updates


  • Android Fixed an issue where the app could crash when loading a new map style for the first time

  • Android Fixed an issue where selecting an offline basemap from map options while in online mode would result in a blank map after the app restarts

  • Android Business Fixed an issue where editing an asset with photo control annotations would remove the annotations from the photo

  • iOS Business Fixed an issue where asset geometry would not display on the Assets page


Release Identifier 20240619


Wednesday, 19th of June 2024

This UAT update includes:

Web Updates web


  • Multi-Factor Authentication has been added to provide your workspace users with an additional layer of security - completely free for Professional and Business workspaces!

  • Full-Text Search is now available for Requests and Jobs, allowing you to quickly find a record using any of its details or form data in addition to the reference number or name

  • Implemented new restrictions to the types of files that can be uploaded to Gruntify for security purposes

  • You can now choose to remain logged in indefinitely on the login page using the ‘Remember me’ checkbox

  • Our minimum password requirements have been increased to now require numbers and upper/lower case letters (in addition to the existing 8-character minimum)

  • GPS Tracking and Geofencing settings have been relocated from the ‘Location’ tab in Workspace Settings to the ‘Addons’ tab Settings | Addons

  • Image versions in Requests now display side-by-side instead of on separate tabs

  • Validation has been added when drawing shapes or Assets to ensure that polygons and lines conform to standard rules

  • Added the ability to copy media from one Request to another

  • Business The Assets manager page can now display the geometry of clustered assets when zoomed in

  • Business Clicking Asset geometry on the manager page will now open the Asset card the same as clicking its point

  • Business Added ‘Client Reference’ as a field that can be selected on the Jobs table

  • Fixed an issue where the ‘Unsaved Changes’ popup would appear when leaving the Request edit screen even if no changes were made

  • Fixed an issue on the Requests manager page where scrolling down to the bottom of the current items in Card + Map view would prevent you from being able to scroll back up

  • Fixed an issue where zipped media exports would use the incorrect file extension for annotation images

  • Fixed an issue where the heatmap visualization for Requests did not work

  • Fixed an issue where saving a Form would get stuck on the ‘Unsaved Datasets Detected’ popup

  • Business Fixed an issue where Assets could not be updated if they had an optional Trip control

  • Enterprise Fixed an issue where Workflows could fail to run due to an issue with form conditions

Mobile Updates mobile


  • MFA support has been added to allow users with MFA enabled to sign in

  • Validation has been added when drawing shapes or Assets to ensure that polygons and lines conform to standard rules

  • Android Fixed an issue where text annotations were difficult to reposition

  • Android Fixed an issue where the app would crash when viewing form data in read-only mode under specific conditions

  • Android Business Fixed an issue where Job media would not appear under specific conditions

  • Android Business Fixed an issue where Job filtering was unreliable

  • Android Business Fixed an issue where an ‘unknown error’ would prevent Job creation

Release Identifier 20240611


Tuesday, 11th of June 2024

This Production update includes:

Web Updates web


  • Fixed an issue where adding more than one photo to the media tab would cause the media properties to disappear

  • Fixed an issue where adding more than one photo to the media tab would prevent you from being able to rotate a photo

  • Fixed an issue that would now allow users to properly create new workspaces

  • Fixed an issue where request geolocations would change to an incorrect location


  • Improved performance in workspaces with large amounts of jobs forms

Mobile Updates mobile


  • Fixed an issue where iOS Asset clusters would include items that should have been excluded by filters

  • Fixed an issue where asset information connected to a job would not display properly when viewed from the Job

  • Fixed an issue where updating a Job’s location to an asset would not display the updated location on the map


Release Identifier 20240530


Thursday, 30th of May 2024

This production update contains all the feature updates listed and linked below:

Release Identifier 20240522


Wednesday, 22nd of May 2024

This UAT update includes:

Web Updates web


  • Fixed an issue where Asset Card View would not appear correctly in some instances

Mobile Updates mobile


  • Fixed an issue where the number of assets displayed would also include assets outside the visible screen

  • Android: Fixed an issue where clusters would include assets that should have been excluded by the active filter

  • iOS: Fixed an issue where clusters would not show all available assets

Release Identifier 20240515


Wednesday, 15th of May 2024

This UAT update includes:

Web Updates web


  • Fixed an issue where media that was exported with annotations would have its metadata altered inappropriately

  • Fixed an issue where the User Longitude always displayed as '0' in the User profile

  • Fixed an issue where saved Requests filters would not apply correctly when applied when another saved filter was selected first


  • Fixed an issue where the card view was cut off inappropriately when viewing Jobs in the Cards + Map View

  • Fixed an issue where Job search positions were not being help in place as intended


Release Identifier 20240424


Wednesday, 20th of March 2024

This UAT update includes:

Web Updates web


  • Trips Recordings are now able to be set set as mandatory to submit a form

  • When updating form data using workflows, it will no longer reset all form data that is specifically not being updated

  • Workspace Audit Log is now able to be exported from the 'Settings > Audit Log' section

  • When exporting requests as a CSV, column headers will now be name after the Control Label rather than the Control ID, this should be more readable in most instances

  • When exporting requests, fields that are part of the 'Details Tab' are now able to be included in the export

  • You can now set a 'favourite query' through your saved queries to be displayed by default when you open the Requests, Jobs or Assets screen

  • You can now set a favourite view mode for requests, jobs or assets and other Items by clicking the star that appears next to the view mode such as map or table

  • Search position is now saved when clicking into a searched-for item then backing out from that request, job or asset

  • A new dashboard has been added to show how many reports are captured per day

  • Dashboard reports have have their date ranges expanded to include a wider range of options standardised across most reports

  • Managing Roles can now be given to custom roles rather than restricted to just to the Primary Owner

  • Improved bulk asset import functionality and stability

  • Stability and Security improved across the app

  • Fixed an issue where bulk-exporting a form-specific report template would not successfully complete in some instances where the correct form was selected

  • Fixed an issue where if unused datasets would case form updates to not complete

  • Fixed an issue where searching by empty values would sometimes not work properly

  • Fixed an issue where trips would fail uploading or downloading in some instances

  • Fixed an issue where removing trips from request forms would not be able to be saved properly if it was the only change

  • Fixed an issue were assets with over-long titles would not display properly

  • Fixed an issue were users using a Safari browser were unable to add form controls by dragging the control into the form menu

  • Fixed an issue where Google logins would not work properly

  • Fixed an issue where Google accounts would not show as a connected account when applicable

  • Fixed an issue where download links would not download items from emails received from Gruntify in some instances when using web-based email clients

  • Fixed an issue where some requests would upload multiple copies when uploading from offline mode

  • Fixed an issue where deleting or deactivating a supervisor of a team would leave a team without a supervisor


  • Job filters have been updated to a more convenient default order

  • Fixed an issue where job exports with date filters were not applying to the list of jobs to be exported

  • Fixed an issue where job exports with form data filters would fail in some instances

  • Fixed an issue where assets filters would not apply the updated view to the map of assets displayed in some instances

  • Fixed an issue where job and asset clusters and items would not display properly in the scrollable drawer in their respective pages

  • Fixed an issue where jobs or recurring schedules were unable to be updated after creation in some instances

  • Fixed an issue where workflow parameters would not display properly when they were expected to be displayed

Mobile Updates Mobile


  • The speed property in trips recordings have been rounded to three decimal places

  • Fixed an issue where photo controls with images that all had the same file name would not display correctly

  • Fixed an issue where the Android app would log the user out when it was not prompted to in some instances

  • Fixed an issue where repeated would not navigate correctly if there was a photo control inside of the repeater

  • Fixed an issue where adding too many photos to the photo control of a form would cause it to lag

  • Fixed an issue where adding photos to a form photo control would not save properly in some instances

  • Fixed an issue where duplicate requests would be created in some instances

  • Fixed an issue where text in a disabled text field would not wrap correctly in some instances

  • Fixed an issue where trip recording controls would not display an asterisk* if it were a mandatory control as expected

  • Fixed an issue where map icons would not show while offline in some instances

  • Fixed an issue where French and German language options were not appearing as expected in the languages menu in some instances

  • Stability and Security improved across the app


  • Fixed an issue where the job details page would fail top update after a status change in some instances

  • Fixed an issue where adding a photo on the job and asset media tab would crash the app in some instances


Release Identifier 20240320


Wednesday, 20th of March 2024

This production update contains all the feature updates listed in the February Release linked below:

In addition to:

OData: Asset Geometry is now visible web


In addition to the Asset Point Location, you are now able to view the coordinates under Line and Polygon Assets to enhance your reporting. These will appear under the Geometry heading.

In detail, the Location heading is a point heading that is the average of all coordinates associated with the Asset while the Geometry is a table containing all the coordinate values that make up an asset such when the asset is one line or multiple polygons. More detail about OData and Report can be found here.


Release Identifier 20240220


Thursday, 22th of February 2024 ENTERPRISE UAT

New Dashboard Report: Requests Captured by Day web


You can new add a new report that shows a line graph of the number of requests captured by day. This report shows all forms by default and can be filtered by specific forms. It can be viewed over a time span of one week or one month depending on your selected settings when adding this report to your dashboard.

More information about Dashboards can be found Here: Dashboards in Gruntify

Photo control images are viewable with a full-screen viewer web


When you click on a photo in a photo control, it opens that photo in a full-page image-viewer. While there you can click arrows on the side of the screen to navigate between images in the the same photo control. Using buttons at the bottom of the image-viewer, you are also able to hide annotations, download the image or annotations, and view image metadata.

Minor Updates WEB


  • You can now add filters searching to include or exclude 'blank' data.

  • When in the table or cards view of requests and open a request, you should now be returned to the scroll level before you opened that request.

  • Fixed an issue where images selected as a feature image would not be properly set as the feature image.

  • Fixed an issue where PDF exports were failing in some instances.

  • Fixed an issue where datasets with long names would break the formatting of the form edit page.

  • Fixed an issue where Apple logins would not display when they should.

  • Fixed an issue where asset cards would display as blank when selected from the map. BUSINESS

Minor Updates MOBILE


  • Fixed an issue where the French translation of Gruntify would not activate when selecting it in the settings. Bonjour les francophones!

  • Gruntify no longer auto-logs into the most recently logged into Microsoft login when selecting the option to allow easier log in for multiple users who share the same device.

  • Improved performance and speed across the mobile apps!

  • Fixed an issue where jobs that are grouped together at the same location on the map would not show what jobs are inside the group when selected in some cases.

  • Fixed an issue where annotations would not be saved for images in the photo control when creating a draft or offline request.

  • Fixed an issue where GPS Accuracy was not uploaded on images attached to requests submitted while offline.

  • Fixed an issue where annotations were not being saved properly in photo controls when creating assets.

  • Fixed an issue where selecting a dropdown option on a form with multiple dropdowns would alter the scroll level of the form.

  • Fixed an issue where when datasets are used for parent dropdowns in certain ways, they would not display data correctly and be blank.

  • Fixed an issue where in some cases form data would be lost when uploading an offline job with certain controls or an intermittent connection. BUSINESS

  • Fixed an issue where the check in button would disappear when accepting a job in some cases. BUSINESS

  • Fixed an issue when media would not display correctly when creating new jobs in the Android app. BUSINESS


Release Identifier 20240110


Wednesday, 10th of January 2024 ENTERPRISE UAT

Wednesday, 17th of January 2024 PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS ENTERPRISE

Upgraded Filtering Table web


With this update, now Jobs and Assets have an upgraded table and map view allowing you to filter forms by specific values. This now matches the behavior of filtering the Request table. More information about how to use the new table view can be found here: Elastic Search in Gruntify

Custom Email Notifications web


There is now a new workspace setting accessible by Owners or the Primary Owner of a workspace called 'Email Notifications'. From here you may edit the name of the sender for emails sent from the workspace send to other members of the workspace.

Online/Offline Switch Updates mobile


The Online/Offline Switch has undergone multiple updates to increase performance and responsiveness. This switch is particularly useful for when you know you will be entering a low-signal area and want to avoid long wait times trying to connect to Gruntify services.

Offline Job Processing Updates mobile


Your team can now bulk select and accept multiple jobs at once. This is useful for when you know you have multiple jobs to perform in a day and you would like to plan your work method and order.

More information about how to use this function can be found here: Job Mobile Bulk Actions

Minor Updates WEB


  • Improved application speed when loading large amounts of assets in a workspace

  • You can now search for a specific country in the dropdown box for the billing address country

  • Fixed an issue where viewing the table of requests, page scrolling would break when sorting by a form field

  • Fixed an issue where custom form names for requests would get cut off if the name was too long

  • Fixed an issue where the 'Create Job Template' button would disappear when leaving then returning to the page

  • Fixed an issue where the 'New Dashboard' button would sometimes disappear when leaving then returning to the page

  • Fixed an issue where dropdown controls would display data incorrectly if the dropdown was a duplicate of another dropdown and used a custom dataset

  • Fixed an issue where the date range filter would filter improperly if 'No Date Range' was selected

  • Fixed an issue where requests that were submitted on mobile could not be re-edited on web

  • Fixed a longstanding issue where exports in some cases were larger when they were compressed

  • Fixed a longstanding issue where segmented fields in forms where unable to be selected. They are now able to be deselected to select no value

  • Creating a Job from a Request now saves pre-form data from the original request BUSINESS ENTERPRISE business

  • Fixed an issue where certain jobs would not be able to be updated beyond 'In Progress' when complex data was entered BUSINESS ENTERPRISE business

  • Fixed an issue where the Asset visualization would not work properly in the Jobs map view BUSINESS ENTERPRISE business

Minor Updates MOBILE


  • Improved application speed when loading large amounts of assets in a workspace

  • Improves sensitivity for when your internet connection does not have a good signal

  • You can now view if a request was submitted on behalf of another user on mobile for both iOS and Android

  • Dropdowns are now automatically populated if there is only one possible value

  • Fixed an issue where dropdown fields would incorrectly display no data when inside a repeater

  • Fixed an issue where in some instances, all media photos would show the same GPS Accuracy value

  • Fixed an issue where dropdown controls would display data incorrectly when process multiple datasets as inputs

  • Fixed an issue where image metadata was not being added to an image uploaded to the media tab or photo control in the form when it required to submit a request

  • Fixed an issue where if requests were set to required photo metadata, iOS requests were not able to be edited

  • Fixed an issue where photo controls in forms would not upload correctly if uploaded while offline

  • Fixed an issue where if submitting a request while offline, it would fail due to not having access to the request form

  • Fixed a longstanding issue where over-long section titles would display improperly when ‘next' and 'previous’ buttons were shown

  • Fixed a longstanding issue where requests that were uploaded while offline would upload multiple times, creating duplicated requests

  • Fixed a longstanding issue where activities and maps would display a 'please wait' message for a long amount of time when connection was poor but still online

  • Fixed an issue with Offline Jobs where images uploaded into the form photo control would not sync correctly with the server once connection was restored. BUSINESS ENTERPRISE business

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