Jobs on the Mobile App
Requests and Jobs are at the heart of the Gruntify field app on your phone or other mobile devices. Requests are single form-based tasks that require only one staff member. Jobs typically require a team to work on the task and take longer.
Jobs are made up of the following parts:
Basic Job Details: These are the same for all jobs - covering when the job should be done, how long it is expected to take, which team is to do the job, any customer description or reference details. This information is recorded against the job in the office and you can view it in the mobile app.
Pre Work Form: Customised form, capturing any data needed before you do the work.
Work Form: Customised form, capturing any data needed while you do the work.
The Pre Work and Work online forms are just like a paper form you may have used in the past. The form will be divided up into sections and you would work through each section answering the questions.
For example, your team may be sent out to repair a leaking pipe. When you reach the worksite, your team checks in and fills in the Pre Work form to cover OH&S procedures and the initial assessment of the problem. The team then works to fix the leak, checking in and out if you need to take a break or go home at the end of the day. While the work is being completed the Work form may be filled in. Once the work is done, finish the Work form and mark the job as Completed. Your team can then move onto the next task.
Job allocation is done on the basis of the team’s accreditations (qualifications), equipment, and geographical location as appropriate.
The video tutorial below will explain how to find a job assigned to your team and how to process the job through to completion in the Gruntify mobile app. If you are having trouble filling in the forms, go back and look at the Requests tutorial as that has more help with the form sections.
Accepting/Declining a Job:
By default only Controller or Worker role is allowed to accept or decline the jobs.
If you would like owners to accept the jobs, then customised roles can be created. For more information on custom roles, please refer to this page.
In this movie, the team assigned the work has been referred to as “Resources”. As of the release 2nd June 2021 (20210602), they are now referred to as “Assignees”. This change is on both the Admin Portal and in the Mobile app.
Offline Jobs
After a Job is Queued for a team, users from that team will be able to cache that job for offline access and editing. This enabled job operations in areas where an internet connection would not be available and regular job functions would not be possible.
You may cache a job by simply swiping on the job from the My Jobs page in your list view. After swiping to the right side, a cache button will be visible and available to press. Once pressed, the job will have a new cached icon to show you the job has been cached.
Once cached and offline, you will be able to access the job form, media and linked assets even if there is no internet connection at the job site. Equipped with this information, you can rest assured that you are best prepared to complete the job. Once you have filled out the job form and marked it as completed, it will automatically sync the job with the server when you get back online. You can let the app know that your internet connection is stable again by opening the side menu and switching the mode to ‘Online’ underneath your name.
Please be aware that only one member of the team can have a particular job cached at a time to avoid data conflicts when uploading the completed job.
Supervisors and Team Leaders: Manage in the Field
Often teams will have a team leader or supervisor in the field who will need to create new jobs, or make small changes to existing jobs. These can be done on the Mobile App.
If a user has the privileges to create and manage jobs on the Admin Portal, then they will have the correct privileges to do it on the Mobile App.
Shapes, also known as Objects, are available on the Job location screens. These are arbitrary points, lines or polygons used to mark out things at the location. They are handy to mark out defects that need to be addressed.
The are also available on Assets, where they may be used to mark up asset features.
Be aware that they may appear on your screen as either “Shapes” or “Objects”. They are the same thing.
Creating Jobs
You can create a one-off job in the Mobile App. You cannot create a Recurring Job in the Mobile App.
A major advantage of using the Mobile App in the field is being able to take photographs and videos of the situation and annotate the photographs. This will give your field staff clearer guidance as to what needs to be done.
Editing Existing Jobs
The team leader can bring up the job as usual but instead of going to the forms, they click on the Action menu in the top right and choose Edit. This presents the usual Job management details from the Admin Portal (web-app) in a tabbed form on the mobile.
The tutorial below will show you how to edit a job in the app.
Job Filters
If you need to search for a particular job or filter the jobs on the map to reduce the number you see, you can search on the following values.
Job Template: Job Type
Status: Draft, Unassigned, Queued, Assigned, In Progress, On Hold, Completed, Cancelled
Assignee: Teams who may be allocated to the Job
Priority: High, Low, Medium
Form Data: Selected values from fields in the Job’s forms
Job ID: Unique Job ID