Workflow Studio

Workflow Studio

Your business may have identified processes that need to be done repeatedly. The processes can be broken up into individual tasks and then mapped into a flow. This is often done as part of Business Process Management.

Even if you have not already identified such processes they are likely to exist already - either as paper checklists or instructions to ensure that things are done in the right order, or in someone’s head.

The Workflow Studio allows you to create such a sequence of creating and managing assets, requests, and jobs. Gruntify will then run the process automatically, pausing at points in the sequence to allow for your staff to carry out their parts of the process and as soon as they are finished moving on to the next step in the process.

The notation and the language used are based on Business Progress Modelling standards to be familiar to people used to this standard.

Creating them as a Workflow in Gruntify:

  • Increases repeatability of processes - Gruntify will make sure they are always done in the same order, based on the same decision-making process.

  • Reduces reliance on key staff members to ensure correct processing

  • Releases those key staff to complete other work

  • Cuts down waiting time between steps as the work is automatically passed to the appropriate field worker, rather than waiting for a controller in the office to process a new task.

  • Acts as documentation of the process for new staff members.


Watch the video below for an introduction to Workflow in Gruntify, including seeing a short workflow constructed and run.


If you are having trouble with the jargon used for workflows, try the glossary on the Workflow Terminology page. Otherwise continue on now to learn more about overall Workflow Management, Creating and Editing a Workflow, or Running and Viewing Workflow Instances.

Or jump straight to Example Workflow Building for a step-by-step guide to building a workflow, or the How-To for Workflows page for a “how to I do this?” list.

The Connector Reference lists all the possible connectors and operations in one spot as a reference guide and then Workflow Checklist is supplied as a help to avoid mistakes when designing workflows.


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