Job Workflow & Pending Review

Job Workflow & Pending Review

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Jobs have different workflows than requests that require you to use the Mobile App to continue the flow once a jobs is created and assigned.

You can create a job on either the Admin Portal (Web-App) or on the Mobile App, but you can only progress through the workflow below on the Mobile App. So, if you are using a tablet in the field, use the Mobile App on the tablet, not the Admin Portal for performing the job.

Note: In the diagram below the Workflow Studio refers to an Enterprise edition option so it will not be considered further again on these Jobs pages. For more details see the Workflow Studio tutorials.

Default Job Flow

Status Diagram

Job Status Flow

Job Status Flow Explained in Detail

Jobs are initially created manually or automatically using a recurring schedule. The job can be manually allocated to a team and hence added to the team’s Job Queue to be Accepted, or it can be set to Automate Allocation and will show up in the queues for any matching teams. Jobs should be allocated on the basis of skills and equipment required using Equipment and Accreditations.

Once a job is created and Queued to a team, it can be Accepted from the queue by a team member, converting it to Assigned. Field staff are not shown jobs that are in another teams’ queue.

Team members actively start work on the job by Checking In. If there are work stoppages, say for lunch or at the end of the day, they would then Check Out and then Check In again when they return to the job.

Team members can also change the job to On Hold, if they are awaiting parts, staff, etc, or have some other reason for being blocked on the job.

Once the job is finished, a team member then marks it as Completed.

A team member can Reject the job at any time. This is useful if the job requires a different skillset or equipment to the one originally specified. A new team can then be assigned and the process starts again. More information about rejecting jobs can be found below under the heading Rejecting Jobs.

If you have a small number of teams, and most teams and can do most tasks, it is as simple as setting up your teams and turning on job queueing. Then you can manually assign teams to jobs as they are created.

If you have a large number of teams or you need to match jobs to vehicles, machines, tools, and/or qualifications that only some teams hold, you can then use the equipment and accreditation options to narrow down the list of teams that your controllers can choose from when assigning a job. This controls who can carry out a job.

If you need to break up who can manage particular types of jobs then this can be done using the form permissions.

Pending Review and Rejected Statuses

Pending Review and Rejected are special statuses that are used to signal states that require further action from other team members specified below.

Pending Review

What is Pending Review?

When a team in the field marks a job as completed, it is locked as the final state. This cannot be reversed. To accommodate the ability to assess, edit and mark as reviewed, the Pending Review state exists optionally before Completed but after the Job is checked In Progress, Checked In.

Whether or not this status is to be used will be enabled on the Job Template settings. By default Pending Review is disabled as shown in the image.

When left disabled, all jobs using the associated job template will be Completed when a user completes the job and that state will be finalised.

When enabled, all jobs using the associated job template will enter a Pending Review state to be reviewed by a Controller or other Supervisor Role. If the job is not completed properly, it can be reassigned. If a job is found to be complete, the job can then be marked as Completed by the reviewer.

Workflows and Selective Reviewing Enterprise

If only some jobs from a particular template need to be reviewed, workflows can be used.

You may write a workflow that detects the state change to Field Completed and check the form data and, if appropriate, auto reviews the job and pushes it through to Complete state.

Users would be able to see that a particular job is auto-reviewed in the Job’s audit log.

Rejecting Jobs

What is the Rejected Status used for?

When a job is rejected from a user using the Gruntify mobile app, the job state is updated to Rejected. Functionally, this state is similar to Unassigned however is done to discern jobs which require reassignment and jobs which need further investigation due to rejection. This will be especially useful for job management roles that might need to have these jobs highlighted.

The Rejected state is used to the identify jobs that need reassignment versus initial assignment. Users will be able to see them as Rejected jobs on the map with their own color and status as well as are able to quickly filter for Rejected Jobs using the Job Status control bar.

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