Create Job

Create Job

How do I create a Job?

If your Gruntify is all configured and ready to go:

  • On the Admin Portal (web-app) go to Jobs, All Jobs or Jobs, Recurring Schedules and do New Job. See the “Create Job on Admin Portal” movie below for a detailed guide.

  • On the Mobile, go to Jobs and click on the “+” icon to create a new Job. See the “Create Job on Mobile App” movie below for a step by step guide, and have a look at “Editing a Job” movie on the Jobs on the Mobile App page for managing jobs in the field.

If you have an existing Inspection, Request, Audit, etc, and want to create a Job from it, see Creating a Job from a Request.

If you are setting up Gruntify for the first time, or you are trying to create a new type of Job, then you will need to first create a Job Template.


20211007/20211020 VERSION UPDATE

On the Admin Portal, the Asset List now overlays the map and can be minimized so that you can view more of the map. The assets shown on the map appear in the asset list while in Edit mode and you can bulk select or deselect up to 250 assets. This functionality works for both the Job and Request screens. Watch the movie below to see this in action.

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