Gruntify Releases 2021

Wednesday 15 December 2021

Improvements to Shapes and Bulk Asset Import

Release Identifier: 20211215

Admin Portal (Web app)


Features and Enhancements: 

  • The width of latitude/longitude fields is reduced under location in geolocation screens so it conforms closer to the entered data, 6 precisions.


Features and Enhancements: 

  • In the job > location tab > asset map, then on the Map area there should be pop-up with checkbox. 

  • Asset bulk import performance is improved.

  • In the request > location tab > asset map, then on the Map area there is a pop-up added with checkbox. 

Mobile app

Features and Enhancements: 

  • Clear history option is enabled in settings.

Features and Enhancements: 

  • In jobs, user can now see the shapes description without having to enter shapes mode.

  • In the Job Details>Overview Full Map, when user select options from the pencil menu, then it triggers existing validation logic.

  • The "Choose Teams" container in the assignees tab of job creation/edit is reworked.

  • In Requests, user can now see the shapes description without having to enter shapes mode.

Wednesday 01 December 2021

Improvements to Jobs and Bulk Request Import

Release Identifier: 20211201

Admin Portal (Web app)

Features and Enhancements: 

  • Now the default location is set based on the user's country.

  • Bulk request import performance/refactoring improved.

  • Long request forms to load the top of the page.


  • Bulk Import Email Displaying Wrong Number of Requests Imported fixed.

  • Dataset label from filename error improved.

  • 'Hiding' sections using conditionals renamed add/remove to better reflect that removing will wipe the contents of the section.

Mobile app

Features and Enhancements: 

  • In Jobs and Requests, when the user switches between geolocation or asset mode, they will see a warning pop up.

  • In the Job Details>Overview Full Map, the user will have a pencil icon for more Job options.

  • In the Job Details>Overview Full Map, an option to switch between assets and geolocation is added.

Wednesday 17 November 2021

Improvements to Assets and Schedules

Release Identifier: 20211117

For our Gruntify for Business users, we have continued to improve the Assets and Recurring Schedules. In addition, changes to shapes are being listed in the Activity Tab.

Admin Portal (Web app)

Features and Enhancements: 

  • Assets:

    • Objects are renamed to Shapes.

    • When there are no shapes created, a description of that feature is added.

    • Ability for the user to name the shape is added.

    • Ability to save and view shapes/objects is added.

    • Ability to see the shape name from map view is added.

    • Link is added between shape on the map and in the menu.

    • Ability to delete a shape is added.

  • Geofence:

    • In create shape screens on Jobs and Recurring Schedules, an option is added to geofence that shape.


  • Assets:

    • Updating existing asset form with new field is now showing migration existing asset model.

  • Schedules:

    • Recurring Schedules are now created with an ID prefix of RS.

  • Audit Log:

    • User filter in audit log can now select single user. (All Plans)

Mobile app

Features and Enhancements: 

  • ·Jobs/ Recurring Schedules: Jobs:

    • An option to switch between geolocation and assets is added.

    • A pencil icon for more Job options is added in location tab under Job edit.

    • When selecting options from the pencil menu, existing validation logic is triggered in location tab under Job edit.

    • Asset popovers are added in location tab under Job edit.

    • Asset popovers are added in overview full map under job details.

    • An option to switch between geolocation and assets is added in location tab under job creation.

    • Asset mode functionality is updated in location tab under job creation.

    • Geolocation mode functionality is updated in location tab under job creation.

    • A pencil icon for more Job options is added in location tab under job creation.

    • In default asset mode, asset popovers will be displayed in location tab under job creation.


  • Location: Issue for not allowing user to sign in after location is allowed is fixed. (All Plans)

Wednesday 3 November 2021

Maintenance Release

Release Identifier: 20211103

Admin Portal (Web app)

Features and Enhancements: 

  • Jobs/ Recurring Schedules: An area filter, the same as the existing request, is added to the Jobs and Recurring Schedule filters. 

  • Geofence: Max buffer size is increased to 10km/ 6miles.


  • Maps: Gov AUS base maps are updated. If you are already using these maps, disconnect and reconnect to the maps, clear your browser cache and cookies for Gruntify. This will ensure you are picking up the newest maps and that your browser is not caching the old maps. See the Updating Basemaps video for more help.

Mobile app

Features and Enhancements: 

  • Requests:

    • In the Request fullscreen overview tab the user can see the asset popovers when tapping on assets (if used assets as a location).

    • Asset popovers have Asset Id, Status, Name, Form name, and associated images. 

Wednesday 20 October 2021

Location Selection Made Easier - Part II

Release Identifier: 20211020

For our Gruntify for Business users, we have continued to improve the location selection in relation to Assets. In addition, changes to shapes are being listed in the Activity Tab.


Admin Portal (Web app)

Features and Enhancements: 

  • Jobs/ Recurring Schedules:

    • A warning / information pop-up is added when users try to switch between assets and geolocation in jobs and recurring schedules. 

    • UI is updated in job>location to reference assets cards with assets on the map. E.g., the Background color of asset cards is changed on selection/hover on.  The map marker is increased in size, and the geometry is highlighted on hover, etc. 

    • Shapes activity is logged in the activity tab of Jobs and Recurring schedules. Any newly added shapes, updated existing shape names, or geometry details are shown in the Activity tab. 

  • Assets: 

    • Asset>Location tab has updated UI for feature list. Now feature list is floating with updated headers and icons. 

    • The user has the ability to minimize and maximize the feature list in the Asset>Location tab to see better visibility on the map. 

  • Requests: 

    • UI is updated in requests>location to reference assets cards with assets on the map. E.g., the Background color of asset cards is changed on selection/hover on.  The map marker is increased in size, and the geometry is highlighted on hover, etc. 

    • Shapes activity is logged in the activity tab of Requests. Any newly added shapes, updated existing shape names, or geometry details are stored in the Activity tab. 

    • A warning / information pop-up is added when users try to switch between assets and geolocation in requests. 

Mobile app

Features and Enhancements: 

  • Requests create: The Location (Asset) tab has the ability to see asset popovers for added assets without edit asset mode. 

  • Requests edit:

    • The Location (Asset) tab has the ability to see asset popovers for added assets without edit asset mode. 

    • The ability to switch between geolocation and assets from the pencil button is added. 


  • Issue of not showing assigned teams in mobile apps is fixed. (Android only) 


Thursday 7 October 2021

Location Selection Made Easier

Release Identifier: 20211007

The big news in today’s release is location selection has been made easier.

For our Gruntify Professional Mobile App users, look for the pencil when editing the current location on the map.

Click to Zoom


For our Gruntify for Business users, the Asset selection, as well as Location editing, has been made easier.

On the mobile side, the Location screen in Requests now defaults to either Asset or Geolocation, depending on which one was selected in the form. Using the pencil icon (below, left), the user can easily go into edit mode and select different assets or move the geolocation pin. The pencil triggered menu (below, right) will also switch from Asset to Geolocation, or back the other way.


Click to Zoom

Click to Zoom


On the Admin Portal, the Asset List now overlays the map and can be minimized so that you can view more of the map. The assets shown on the map appear in the asset list while in Edit mode and you can bulk select or deselect up to 250 assets. Watch the movie below to see this in action.



Admin Portal (Web app)

Features and Enhancements: 

  • Users: Users page now shows Mobile App Version, OS Version and Device Name.

  • Requests: Location tab has been improved to support a floating asset list which may be minimized to give more map space, an edit and view mode, and bulk select/deselect. Up to 250 assets are selectable.

  • Recurring Jobs: Recurring Schedule Manager search field should search on names and ID. (Business Plan only)

  • Jobs: Location tab has been improved to support a floating asset list which may be minimized to give more map space, an edit and view mode, and bulk select/deselect. Up to 250 assets are selectable. (Business Plan only)


  • Issue is fixed around the Saved query save button.

  • OData HTTP Headers Improved (Enterprise Only)

Mobile app

Features and Enhancements: 

  • Requests create:

    • The Location tab will default to the location option (Asset or Geolocation) as set in the Form definition.

    • The Location (Asset) tab supports a viewing mode and an update asset mode.

    • The Location (Geolocation) tab supports a viewing mode and an update geolocation mode.

    • The Location tab allows the user to switch between Asset or Geolocation as the location type.

  • Location: Relabeled “Objects” to “Shapes”.

  • Filters: Distance filter removed as functionality replaced by pagination.


  • Initial load time after installation improved. (Android Only)

  • Increased encoding support for third party deployments catalogues. (Android Only)

Wednesday 22 September 2021

Maintenance Release

Release Identifier: 20210922

Admin Portal (Web app)

Features and Enhancements: 

  • Form Builder: Improvement is done around form builder drag and drop area. Now form builder has larger drop area.

  • Assets: New column/field “Size” is added in Asset export/bulk export to show the asset geometry. Line is a linear asset and polygon is a result in Square meters.  (Business Plan only)

  • Jobs Bulk Edit: Bulk edit of jobs is now showing confirmation message with number of assets Failed/Passed and an email confirmation with .csv file about Failed/Passed report. (Business Plan only)

Wednesday 8 September 2021

Draft Jobs and Location Enhancements

The full list of changes are below, but we will highlight two areas in this release.

  1. Both the Admin Portal and Mobile Apps have enhancements to the location selection and asset behaviour to make selection or reviewing of locations easier.

  2. Draft Jobs can be created without a team assignment on both the Admin Portal and the Mobile App, making it easier for supervisors to manage work in the field.

Release Identifier: 20210908

Admin Portal (Web app)

Features and Enhancements: 

  • Requests: Request location tab’s geolocation has a new pop-up for the users to provide info/instructions about using geo location and /or switching to assets.

  • Assets: Updated the Bulk import of assets mapping page. Now Mandatory fields mapping is not making NEXT (to Preview page) button to inactive, instead showing error on preview page. (Business Plan only)

  • Jobs: (Business Plan only)

    • Job location tab’s geolocation has a new pop-up for the users to provide info/instructions about using geo location and /or switching to assets.

    • Assignee tab is now not mandatory in save draft job to support mobile apps.

    • New tool tips are added to “Switch to Assets” or “Switch to Geolocation” in jobs for non-edited status jobs. Now these buttons are always available but disabled with tooltips where required.

  • Job pool: Job pool logic is updated. Priority will trump the end date if the end date of the higher priority job <= TODAY. (Business Plan only)


Mobile app

Features and Enhancements: 

  • Requests create/edit:

    • A Link to Job is shows in requests if job is created from request. (Business Plan only)

    • Pop-up is present when user long presses on Geolocation or Assets to update geolocation/assets in full map mode.

    • When editing assets in request location tab, only active assets are presented. (Business Plan only)

    • Tapping on the request overview map now open a full screen version. My Location and Options buttons are displaying in full screen view.


  • Jobs create (Business Plan only)

    • User has now ability to save jobs as draft without any selection in the assignee tab. 

    • When editing assets in job location tab, only active assets are presented. 

  • Assets: (Business Plan only)

    • User has ability to edit assets in the assets overview screen if they are having edit permissions only, otherwise dropdown arrow shouldn’t be displayed. 


  • Improvement is done around offline requests features in Android app. 

Wednesday 25 August 2021

Form Saving and Bulk Editing

Release Identifier: 20210825

Today’s release brings some significant UI enhancements, particularly to the Admin Portal, to make your user’s more efficient.

Two major highlight - the form editor will check if you have unsaved details and check if you want them saved, while bulk field editing can now be done for both Jobs and Assets.

The mobile apps don’t miss out. New filters have been added to Jobs and a reset button will help you clear the existing filters back to the default.

Admin Portal (Web app)

Features and Enhancements: 

  • Forms: Form Builder button 'Back to Forms' will prompt you to Keep Editing or Discard option if the current changes have not been saved.

  • Forms: ‘Clone Existing Media’ option is ON by default.

  • Request, Asset and Job Detailed Screens: Shown in full screen mode to give you better access to all tabs.

  • Request, Asset and Job > maps/cards + maps: User tracking pop-ups/icon improvements. Now able to view the User Profile directly from the popup.

  • Jobs/Recurring Schedule: Simplified the UI for the assignment of a team to a job. (Business Plan only)

  • Jobs>Bulk edit: Allows editing of fields in more than one job at a time. See the Job Bulk Edit page for how to use this feature. (Business Plan only)

Mobile app

Features and Enhancements: 

  • Job Filters: (Business Plans only)

    • New filter for Jobs by Actual Start date and end date. 

    • New filter for Jobs by Start and End date is built.  (Android)

    • New filter reset.

  • Requests: Now duration field on the request details tab is optional.  (Business Plan only)

Wednesday 11 August 2021

Asset, Location, and Dashboard and Improvements

Release Identifier: 20210811

Today’s release has seen some significant new features added to Gruntify. All of our users will benefit from improved reporting filtering available on the Dashboard.

Business Plan users can now flag the type of location that a Request or a Job should have (Asset or Geolocation).

On the Mobile, Asset functionality has been expanded to include creating and editing an Asset. The additional Asset functionality further supports your supervisors getting out of the office and into the field, while still be able to do crucial business functions right there in a field-appropriate manner.

Videos introducing this extra functionality will be released in the coming days.

Admin Portal (Web app)

Features and Enhancements: 

  • Dashboard Filters: Now Forms, Job templates, Users in dashboard filters are showing all/active/inactive or published/archived as a separate list.

  • Request Manager: Updated the Form and User filters in requests to show separate lists for Active/Inactive and/or Published /Archived records.

  • Forms: Default Location option is added to Request and Jobs forms with Geolocation and Assets options. The user has the ability to set one as default. (Business Plan only)

  • Location tab of Requests/Jobs/Recurring Schedule: Ability to switch between Geolocation and Assets is added. (Business Plan only)

  • Recurring Schedule /Jobs: Job Template and Assignee filters are updated to show all/active/inactive records as a separate list. (Business Plan only)

  • Job Exports: New fields ‘Total Hours’ and ‘Service Duration’ are added in job CSV export files. (Business Plan only)


  • Location >GPS tracking: Added ‘Seconds’ suffix to GPS Refresh Frequency label for better visibility.

  • Forms: Form data filter issue with read permissions is fixed.

  • Maps: Metro Map URL updated to support the new Metro Map API.

  • User Tracking: Performance improvement.

  • Location>Geofencing: Added ‘Meters’ /’Feet’ suffix to geofencing buffer label for better visibility. (Business Plan only)

Mobile app

Features and Enhancements: 

  • Create and Edit Asset: New feature to create and edit assets from mobile is built. Now the user has the ability to create point/line/polygon assets from mobile. (Business Plan only)


  • Consolidate and simplify 'upload' / 'submit' record screens.

  • User tracking real-time update performance is improved.

  • Android: Update the Asset selection flow in job and request location screens.

Wednesday 28 July 2021

Maintenance Release

Release Identifier: 20210728

Admin Portal (Web app)


Requests: Mismatches with pop-up request date in the split view is fixed. This issue only applied to imported requests.

Geofencing: Supervisors' email updated to improve view on mobile devices. (Business Plan only)

Mobile app

Features and Enhancements: 

Android: Visual improvements by updating the white gradient / feathering effect to list container, instead of existing dark gradient / shadow.

iOS: Improvement in asset selection flow. When selecting an asset as the location in a job, assets are now opening in edit mode straight away rather than having to select edit from options. (Business Plan only)


Miscellaneous bug fixes.

Wednesday 14 July 2021

Record Clustering

Release Identifier: 20210714

Admin Portal (Web app)

Features and Enhancements: 

Maps: Request/Jobs/Assets clustered on the map will display stacked.

Mobile app


Miscellaneous bug fixes.

Wednesday 30 June 2021


Release Identifier: 20210630

The major new feature added in this release is geofencing for jobs. For a short introduction see the Geofencing page.

Admin Portal (Web app)

Features and Enhancements: 

  • Geofencing: The checking into a job can now be geofenced, that is, jobs can only be started if the user is within a particular distance of the job location. (Business Plan only)
    The Admin Portal now supports:
    Settings Apply Geofence: In settings location, there is a new tab Geofence. It can be enabled/disabled for jobs in mobile apps.

    Override Geofence Setting: New toggle button is added in the Job templates to override the geofence buffer option for the mobile users.

    Geofence Warning Email: New functionality to send an email to the team supervisor when a user tries to check-in, checkout, or complete the jobs outside the geofence.

  • Requests: Implemented the ‘NO IMAGE’ watermark Gruntify logo in the absence of any media in the requests and updated the styling on the cards.

  • Forms: When sorting by Created Date, it will default to the latest created form at the top.

  • Bulk Import of Assets: New mapping rules are added for the bulk import of assets to update the specific attributes for new assets, existing assets, or both. (Business Plan only)


  • Job form permissions: removed ‘Nobody’ from job edit permissions to stop creating incomplete jobs that cannot be edited. (Business Plan only)

  • Objects in a location: Objects sidebar’s UI styling is improved. Now have an overflow menu for options. (Business Plan only)

Mobile app

Features and Enhancements: 

  • Geofence of jobs: When geofencing is enabled in the Admin portal, the mobile app will do a location check before starting a job. It will either not allow the job to be modified, or will trigger a message to the supervisor if the user overrides the geofence, depending on the settings in the Admin Portal.(Business Plan only)

  • Requests: The ability to create a new request using the URL shared from the portal to a mobile user via Outlook calendar, email, etc. has been added

  • Requests Filters for Form: A form status filter is added to filter the forms by all, published and archived forms.

  • Asset Filters for Form: A form status filter is added in the asset manager to see all, published and archived statuses forms. (Business Plan only)

  • Job Template Status Filters: Job template status filters are added to filter by Active, Inactive, and All. (Business Plan only)

  • Job Filters for Resources: Two sub-filters Status and Queuing are added. (Business Plan only)


  • Miscellaneous bug fixes.


Wednesday 16 June 2021

Share Request Link and Asset Bulk Editing

Release Identifier: 20210616

Admin Portal (Web app)

Features and Enhancements: 

  • Requests: A “Share Link” option is available in Actions, where the user can copy a link to the Request paste it anywhere to share.   

  • Bulk edit of assets: New bulk edit function allows you to edit the form-related fields and the statuses of similar assets. (Business Plan only)


  • Toast/Growl notifications:  Improvements made for notifications on bulk select actions. 

Mobile app

Features and Enhancements: 

  • Trial Workspaces: Updated the Trial banner screen to show a “hide” button instead of an “activate” button. (Android app only) 


  • Miscellaneous bug fixes.


Wednesday 2 June 2021

Maintenance Release

Release Identifier: 20210602

Admin Portal (Web app)


Features and Enhancements: 

  • Toast/Growl message position is now in the bottom right corner. This is the small popup message that appears for a short time and closes automatically.

  • Requests: Owners can now Accept and Reject requests. Previously users who were owners needed to have both the Controller and Owner roles to process requests. Now they only need the Owner role.

  • Jobs: ‘Resources’ label is changed with ‘Assignees’ in Create Jobs and Recurring Schedule.   (Business Plan only)

  • Assets: Users can change Asset Status between Active and Disabled. (Business Plan only)



Mobile app

Features and Enhancements: 

  • Toast message visual improvements. This is the small popup message that appears for a short time and closes automatically.

  • Requests: Owners can now Accept and Reject requests.

  • Jobs: ‘Resources’ label is changed with ‘Assignees’ in Create Jobs and Recurring Schedule.   (Business Plan only)


  • An issue with annotations being lost for draft requests is fixed. (iOS only)

Thursday 19 May 2021

Maintenance Release

Release Identifier: 20210519

Web app

Features and Enhancements: 

  • Requests: The term request can now be replaced with Device or Claim.

  • Request and Job Filters: Filter for 'Client Reference Number' added. (Business Plan only)

  • Assets: Additional user checks added to improve the deletion process. (Business Plan only)

  • Jobs: Pre-Work and Post-Work forms now ‘Pre Work' and 'Work', with the option to make the 'Pre Work’ form mandatory. (Business Plan only)


  • Jobs: System performance improvements.

Mobile app

Features and Enhancements: 

  • Jobs: Pre-Work and Post-Work forms now ‘Pre Work' and 'Work'. (Business Plan only)

  • User Tracking: Tracking functionality is improved, showing online/green status for online users and last seen or grey status for background/no tracking.


  • An issue with field conditions and default values fixed.

Thursday 6 May 2021

Maintenance Release

Release Identifier: 20210506

Web app

Features and Enhancements: 

  • Form and Map layer: Updated the menu design for the Edit form and Map layer.

  • Dashboard reports: Updated the Export file’s name from EXPORT.XLS to EXPORT.CSV as the report is in CSV format.


  • Fixed the count issue in requests/jobs/recurring schedules in all views.

  • Map requests search improved to use polygon search instead of radius search - this makes the search area more closely match to the area shown on the screen, rather than have a few matches potentially just off the edge of the viewable area.

Mobile app

Features and Enhancements: 

  • Trial Workspaces: Updated the Trial banner screen to show a “hide” button instead of an “activate” button.


  • Improvements to the form filters and other minor bugs fixed.

Wednesday 21st April 2021

Mapping, Location & Dashboard Improvements Release

Release Identifier: 20210421

Web app

Features and Enhancements: 

  • Base Maps: A new button ‘SET DEFAULT BASEMAP is added (to the RHS on the base maps screen) that takes the user to the User Preferences screen to set the map preferences.

  • Dashboards: Max number of custom dashboards is 10.

  • Dashboards: All custom dashboards are sorted alphabetically.

  • Free to Professional Upgrade: With the release of our Gruntify for Business subscription, the Free Plan has been dropped. All free plans are now set to Professional Plan with Trial period, with no limitations on the number of forms or users.


  • Location is set to the user’s country when new workspaces are created.

  • Bugfix involving the add conditions functionality in Create Form is resolved.


Mobile app

Features and Enhancements: 

  • Base maps: Map preferences set in User’s web profile are applied to mobile apps.

  • Base Maps: The ability to override the base map preferences in the current session has been added.

  • App Update: iOS app has a custom screen to remind users to update the app.

  • App Update: Android app is using the standard Google reminder to update the app. 


  • Form permission handling improved (Android only)

iOS App Followup Release - Wednesday 28th April 2021

The iOS app had a follow-up release (v 4.10(412.1) ) to meet Apple guidelines. This second release replaces the intended iOS release from the 21st April 2021.

Wednesday 8th April 2021

Maintenance Release

Release Identifier: 20210408

Web app

Features and Enhancements: 

  • View Requests/Jobs status count on the Request/Jobs screen.

  • Job import screen supports full screen for consistency with other import screens.

  • Dashboard list is sorted alphabetically.


  • Improved the color consistency in the web app.

  • Improved the grids and media queries for media cards & thumbnails. 

  • Improved the small tooltips styles. 

  • Improvement is done on the Trips page flicker issue when hovering over. 

  • Issues with view permissions overriding edit permissions are resolved. 


Mobile app

Features and Enhancements: 

  • Improved the empty workspace screen for invited users, adding text and refresh button.  

  • Default base maps now sync between the Web-App and Mobile App. 

  • Tapping on the GPS Accuracy bar opens the GPS Information screen for quick readability.  

  • The ability to update/configure the GPS accuracy low or high is added in the Mobile App. 

  • Made the GPS accuracy and GPS information pop-up in sync for a real-time update. 


Thursday 18th March 2021

Gruntify For Business Release

Gruntify for Business takes Gruntify to the next level with Jobs and User Tracking.

Jobs are like Requests, but they have a more complex workflow and can be allocated to field staff on the basis of the skills required, equipment required and can be connected to your organization’s assets. They also support automatic time tracking and can be made a repeating job using a recurring schedule.

Previously available to some of our Enterprise customers, User Tracking is now an optional extra available to Professional and Business plan users.

Support for these features is available across the existing Web browser-based Web App, and on iOS and Android platforms.

If you are familiar with Gruntify, check out what’s new with Jobs and User Tracking. Otherwise have a look at our Getting Started Trail to learn all about the functionality available in Gruntify and to compare the features available in the Professional and Business plans.

New features are planned, building on the Gruntify for Business release. So keep checking back here or check out our Blog for new developments.

Note: The Free subscription plan has been discontinued. Existing subscriptions will continue for now, but you cannot sign up for a new Free subscription.

Wednesday 10th March 2021

Maintenance Release

Release Identifier: 20210310

Web app

Features and Enhancements: 

  • “Request” Customization: In Gruntify, the term request can be replaced with another term. The list of terms has been expanded to include “Deal” and “Tender”, and the “Asset” has been dropped.

  • Request photos: Can now rotate an uploaded photo.


  • Users: Bulk delete of users restricted to Primary Owners.

Mobile app

Features and Enhancements: 

  • Request Status Changes: Primary Owner and Controller roles can now accept and/or reject the requests in the iOS app, the same as they can do on in the web-app.

  • Request Rejection: When rejecting a request, the user can add a reason.

  • Request view: New functionality to see the results + filter bar for requests is built into the iOS apps.


Wednesday 24th February 2021

Maintenance Release

Release Identifier: 20210224

Web app


  • Tooltips: Updated styling for basic tooltips to improve contrast and readability.

Mobile app


  • Searching: Updated the search input component and its position for consistency in the app (iOS only).

Wednesday 10th February 2021

Bulk Select Requests

Release Identifier: 20210210

Web app

Features and Enhancements: 

  • Bulk select functionality: Bulk select functionality is done on the Request manager to select multiple records and perform accept/reject actions for submitted requests. See the video from the 13th January 2021 for an example on using the Bulk select functionality.


  • Prod issue of showing a different number of requests in split view is resolved. 

  • Updated the bar chart in the dashboard to show all types of records.

Mobile app

Features and Enhancements: 

  • Request regions: Implemented support for regions in mobile apps to see the requests that are applied to a team. The mobile app now matches the web app, in that users can only see the requests that are in their Work Region. If Work Regions are not used, then this change will not affect anything in the app.

  • Request Map: Ability to sort the cluster requests based on the custom title of a form.


  • Improved handling of large PDF files on Android

  • Misc bug fixes.

Wednesday 27th January 2021

Multiple Dashboard and Bulk Select Forms

Release Identifier: 20210127

Web app new Functionalities and Enhancements: 

  • Multiple Dashboards

  • Bulk selection functionality in Form manager: Bulk select functionality is added to select multiple records and perform different actions.

Miscellaneous updates and bug fixes: 

  • Heading text changes

  • The issue of the Form data filter preventing the CSV export is resolved.

  • The issue of importing a large number of records in Request Bulk import is resolved.

Wednesday 13th January, 2021

Bulk Select added to Team manager

Release Identifier: 20210113

Web app new Functionalities and Enhancements: 

  • Bulk selection functionality in Team manager: Bulk select functionality is added to select multiple records and perform different actions. View our short video below.

Miscellaneous updates and bug fixes: 

  • Photo size is increased in pdf exports to provide more visibility for user. 

  • UI bug fix of missing Users title in filters in Request manager  

Mobile app: Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements