App Settings and Preferences

Business professional

This article will explain how to manage app settings and preferences in the Gruntify mobile app. 

The settings and preferences include:

  • Display and Media Settings

    • Setting your default home view to either a List or Map view - your Requests and Jobs will be viewed in this format

    • Choosing your preferred unit of measurement either Metric or Imperial

    • 2D or 3D Map display and the default map

    • Photo and Video Quality and storage settings either Low, Medium or High

    • Option to Save Photos to Gallery - when toggled, a copy of photos taken in the app will be stored in the user’s camera roll

    • Theme colours

    • Preferred language

  • Location Preferences

    • GPS Preferences - high vs low resolution

    • Default Basemap

  • Quiet Hours

    • When toggled on, notifications and GPS tracking are disabled for the start and end period specified per day

  • Clearing locally held data

  • Current version number

The video tutorial below will explain how to manage app preferences in further detail. 

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