March 5, 2025
Release Type: Production
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Our release notes are split into sections based on device platform and application module. Next to each module name, you will see tags to indicate which subscription plans are affected by the listed changes. When looking for changes that apply to you, simply find any modules with your subscription plan tagged. See the examples below: Web App UpdatesRequests
In this example, we can see that there was a bug fix that affects all plans in the Requests module. This fix only affects the web app as it is in the ‘Web App Updates’ section Mobile App UpdatesAssets
In this example, we can see that there was a bug fix that only affects Business users in the Assets module. This fix only affects the iOS app, as it is in the ‘Mobile App Updates’ section and is tagged with ‘iOS’. If you are ever unsure about the meaning of a particular release note item, please feel free to contact our support by raising a Technical Support ticket. |
With the introduction of this new feature, we've also made some key changes to how Requests are managed. You'll now see a new 'Archived' status on the Requests manager page (Web app only), and we've added a new permission called 'Archive Requests', which is granted by default to the 'Owner' role and above. To make things convenient, we’ve also updated the edit Request screen to use a status selector rather than the previous Accept/Reject buttons, giving you easy access to archive your Requests with just a few clicks.
Web App Updates
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Added a new Export Template builder to replace the previous Report Template configuration experience
Added the ability to export and import Export Templates across Workspaces
Added auto-save functionality to Export Templates
Added live preview of PDF templates
Added the ability to include all info-box controls in a PDF template
Added the ability to set legal footers and custom report logos for PDFs on a per-template basis
Added the ability to include/exclude media files in CSV and GeoJSON templates
Added the ability to specify whether CSV Export Templates should create a separate file for each Form version or combine them all into one
Added a ‘Template Format’ column to the Export Template manager screen
Removed the ability to edit limited options on the Default PDF template
For more information on this major feature, see this article: Export Templates
Added a new Export Template selection experience to replace the existing one for Requests, Jobs, and Assets
Added the ability to filter Export Templates by format
Added the ability to customize the order of Export Templates as they appear in the Export Template selector
Added the ability to send exports to other people by email, including a message if desired
For more information on this major feature, see this article: Exporting Data
Added support for PDF and GeoJSON Export Templates to JobsStatus colour Blue title Business Added a Default PDF and Default GeoJSON Export Template to the built-in templates
Added the ability to create new PDF and GeoJSON Export Templates for Jobs in the Export Template builder
For more information on this major feature, see this article: Exporting Data
Updated the Default PDF Export Template to show the Form title for bulk-exports, instead of just “Default (PDF)”
Updated the way that file controls display in PDF exports to include a hyperlink to the file rather than just the filename
Updated the naming scheme of export files to include relevant details about the export, rather than the previous random name
Updated the Default CSV Export Template for Jobs to include the Job titleStatus colour Blue title Business Fixed an issue where a noticeable decline in image quality was observed on the new PDF engine compared to the legacy one
Fixed an issue where selecting ‘Featured Image’ as the preferred PDF media inclusion option would always include the first image even if you explicitly select a different image as the featured image
Fixed an issue where media annotation URLs would not be included on CSV and GeoJSON exports
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Added the ability to archive Requests that have been Accepted or Rejected
Added a new ‘Archived’ status to the Requests manager page (not accessible on mobile)
Added a new permission called ‘Archive Requests’, by default this is only given to the ‘Owner’ role and above
Updated the Accept/Reject button in the top-right of the edit Request screen to be a status selector like the one on the edit Job screen
For more information on this major feature, see this article: Using Requests
Added a preview window on the Card Display settings page for Requests
Fixed an issue where you could not double-click on a status in the sidebar to exclusively select it
Fixed an issue where the content of the Request manager page could shift upwards off the screen in certain new Workspaces
Fixed an issue where it was possible to bypass the 10-image limit (excluding image versions) on a Request by using the media import tool
Fixed an issue where the form versions in the ‘Versions’ page of the ‘Activity’ tab always displayed as blankStatus title New
Fixed an issue where you were unable to submit a Request if a control in the form was mandatory but hidden/read-only for your role (as it was not respecting the default value)Status title New
Fixed an issue where Requests with more than 200 linked Assets would not show any Assets at all on the Location tabStatus colour Blue title Business
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Added a preview window on the Card Display settings page for Jobs
Added support for enabling a featured image preview on Job cards
Fixed an issue where you could not double-click on a status in the sidebar to exclusively select it in Recurring Schedules
Fixed an issue where Assignee Type and Client Reference filters were not behaving correctly when included in a Saved Filter
Fixed an issue where Jobs with more than 200 linked Assets would not show any Assets at all on the Location tab
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Added a preview window on the Card Display settings page for Assets
Fixed an issue where Asset geometry for other Assets could be displayed when searching for a specific Asset by reference number in the Asset manager screen
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Added GeoJSON and WKT geometry formats to all OData endpoints
fields for Request, Job, and Media point locationsAdded
fields for Asset, Trip, and Region geometry (point, line or polygon)Added
fields for Asset, Trip, and Region geometry which is spatially simplified (if required) to remain under 32,000 characters
Added working URLs for photo and file controls inside of repeaters for all OData endpoints
Fixed an issue where OData calls could fail if the Form associated with a relevant Request, Job, or Asset could not be found
Users & Authentication
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Added the ability to initiate complete account deletion in the Web app, even if the user is in no Workspaces
For more information, see this article: Deleting Your Account
Added the authentication method of new users to the administrator new-user notificationStatus colour Purple title Enterprise Fixed an issue where the add Users screen would not prevent you from attempting to add an email that already exists in the Workspace until after you sent the invite
Map Layers
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Added a progress indicator to ‘Processing’ layers in the Map Layer manager screen
Fixed an issue where the Map Legend would cut off early even if there was more whitespace available
Form Builder
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Fixed an issue where the mobile preview in the Form builder could fail to display certain updates such as when a section title is changed or a file/photo is added to a control
Workflow Studio
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Fixed an issue where selecting a very large Form in a Workflow Studio ‘update’ task could freeze the app for a long period of time
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Added coordinate reference system (CRS) information to all coordinates in the API
Added distance-based sorting to theStatus title new ElasticSearchRequests
Mobile App Updates
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Added the ability to set a default filter to apply for Requests, Jobs, and Assets
Added tabs to the filter screen for ‘One time’ filters and ‘Default’ filters
Updated the Requests, Jobs, and Assets screen to apply the Default filters on a fresh session if they are configured
Updated the Requests, Jobs, and Assets screen to standardize the lifetime of ‘One time’ filters, which will now only apply until the user clicks ‘Reset’ on the filter screen or they restart the app
For more information on this major feature, see this article: Filtering in the Mobile App
Fixed an issue where Draft and Pending Requests would still be visible on the map view even if they were not selected in the status filterStatus title Android
Form Data
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Fixed an issue where editing a photo, file, or trip control inside of a repeater would send you back to the top-level of the form after the edit was finishedStatus title Android
Fixed an issue where editing an existing annotation on a photo control would not save your changesStatus title iOS Status colour Blue title Business
Fixed an issue where updating an existing Asset with a signature control may result in an “Error creating Asset” messageStatus title Android
Offline Mode
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Fixed an issue where the “Your internet connection is not stable” popup may appear even when the app is already in offline modeStatus title Android Status colour Blue title Business
Fixed an issue where embedded images were not displayed for cached Jobs while offlineStatus title iOS
Map View
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Fixed an issue where Asset geometries would continue to display on the Requests and Jobs screen even after the Assets visualization is disabledStatus title Android
Fixed an issue where the ‘Total’ count on the Jobs and Assets map view was incorrect when multiple records were clustered togetherStatus title iOS