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Uploading a Map Layer

In the Maps section and then to Layers section. In this page, you can find a “ADD LAYER” button (fig. 1). After you clicked the button, will open a new page (Fig. 2) where you can find the “Layer Data” section. In this page, there are two options to upload layers, “import” and “connect”.​

Import: in this section, you can upload data from your local files. You have two options, (1) Clicking in the box to open the browser or (2) Dragging the data from a folder and dropping it into the box.  The system allows 8 kind of file formats: GeoJSON, KMZ, KML, ESRI Shapefile, GeoPackage, MapInfo MIF, MapInfo TAB, and SpatialLite.​

Connect: in this section you can connect layers from cloud data through a URL. The system allows 2 kind of sources: GeoJSON and ESRI Vector Tiles.​

In the next sections of this document, you can find more details on uploading data from different sources.  After to upload data and creation of layer, you can give style to layers. ​


Summary Sheet

This is a visual representation of the below formats and how to import them into Gruntify.

Local File Import


GeoJSON data can be uploaded directly from the single file *.geojson or in a zipped folder . You can open it from the browser or drag it from the folder to the box (Fig.3).​

Once the information is loaded, you must press the “CREATE LAYER" button to process the information. In the “Layers" tab you can see the status of the process.​


KMZ and KML data from Google Earth software have different ways to be uploaded. ​

KMZ: in this case, you can upload the file directly from the single file*.kmz or in a zipped folder (Fig. 4). ​

KML: in this case, you need to compress the *.kml file in a zipped folder before to upload de data (Fig. 5). ​

Finally, you can open it from the browser or drag it from the folder to the box. Once the information is loaded, you must press the “CREATE LAYER" button to process the information. In the “Layers" tab you can see the status of the process.​

ESRI Shapefile

A shapefile is composed for unless four files (.shp, .shx, .dbf and .prj) that containing different part of the file information. ​

For to be uploaded, the four files need to be compressed in a zipped folder like is showed in the Fig. 6.​

Finally, you can open it from the browser or drag it from the folder to the box. Once the information is loaded, you must press the “CREATE LAYER" button to process the information. In the “Layers" tab you can see the status of the process.​


For uploading Geopackage data to Gruntify, the *.gpkg file needs to be compressed in a zipped folder (Fig. 7), then it can be uploaded like a Layer in Gruntify.​

Finally, you can open it from the browser or drag it from the folder to the box. Once the information is loaded, you must press the “CREATE LAYER" button to process the information. In the “Layers" tab you can see the status of the process.​

MapInfo MIF

MIF is a file from MapInfo software, it contains spatial vector data like polygons, lines and points. MIF files can be accompanied by MID files which contain data attributes; however, this is not a mandatory addition to the MIF file format.

For to be uploaded to Gruntify, *.mif file and optionally *.mid file should be compressed in a zipped folder. Then it can be uploaded like a Layer in Gruntify (Fig. 8).

Finally, you can open it from the browser or drag it from the folder to the box. Once the information is loaded, you must press the “CREATE LAYER" button to process the information. In the “Layers" tab you can see the status of the process.

MapInfo TAB

TAB is a file format from MapInfo software, it contains spatial vector data like polygons, lines and points. A MapInfo TAB file is composed by four files (*.dat, *.tab, *.map and *.id). All are necessarly to be compressed in a zipped folder for then to be uploaded in Gruntify (Fig. 9).​

Then, you can open it from the browser or drag it from the folder to the box. Once the information is loaded, you must press the “CREATE LAYER" button to process the information. In the “Layers" tab you can see the status of the process.​

It is not possible to export points data from shapefile to MapInfo TAB in QGIS. It is possible for polygon data but after, it was not possible to upload the data to Gruntify. 


SpatialLite file is an SQLite extension for spatial data. For to be uploaded, the *.sqlite file needs to be compressed in a zipped folder (Fig. 10). ​

Then, you can open it from the browser or drag it from the folder to the box. Once the information is loaded, you must press the “CREATE LAYER" button to process the information. In the “Layers" tab you can see the status of the process.​

Connecting External Data Sources

Another way to add layers to Gruntify is connecting cloud data sources. It can be a GeoJSON file stored in a cloud server or a ESRI Vector Tile from ESRI servers. Therefore, you need to get a URL that referencing your data source, write it in the box and then click in “CONNECT” button (Fig. 11).​

Once the information is loaded, you must press the “CREATE LAYER" button to process the information. In the “Layers" tab you can see the status of the process.​

Comparing External Data Sources vs Local File Sources

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