Blog from October, 2024

Release 20241030

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Release Type: UAT

This UAT release applies to ENTERPRISE customers only. Other customers can look forward to these improvements in the next release.

 New to our release notes? Open me!

Our release notes are split into sections based on device platform and application module. Next to each module name, you will see tags to indicate which subscription plans are affected by the listed changes. When looking for changes that apply to you, simply find any modules with your subscription plan tagged.

See the examples below:

Web App Updates


  • Fixed an issue where form conditions on dropdown controls would not trigger correctly

In this example, we can see that there was a bug fix that affects all plans in the Requests module. This fix only affects the web app as it is in the ‘Web App Updates’ section

Mobile App Updates


  • IOS Fixed an issue where Asset geometry would not display if you were using an offline basemap

In this example, we can see that there was a bug fix that only affects Business users in the Assets module. This fix only affects the iOS app, as it is in the ‘Mobile App Updates’ section and is tagged with ‘iOS’.

If you are ever unsure about the meaning of a particular release note item, please feel free to contact our support by raising a Technical Support ticket.

Feature Spotlight: Workflow Studio Advanced Input


Introducing Advanced Input in Workflow Studio! This innovative feature empowers advanced users to write custom JavaScript expressions for task inputs, unlocking a new level of flexibility in your Workflows. Whether you’re looking to extract insights from your data with computed fields, or simply convert one datatype to another, Advanced Input provides the power you need. Say goodbye to limitations and hello to a more dynamic, efficient workflow experience! To read more, check out this article:

Web App Updates

Workflow Studio BUSINESS

  • Added the ‘Advanced Input’ option for most task inputs that accept parameters

    • Advanced Input allows you to write custom JavaScript expressions to query and manipulate data from the Workflow Instance state before passing the result as an input

    • This enables advanced users to override certain datatype safety protections in the Workflow editor (as long as you know what you are doing)

    • Additionally, this can be used to create computed fields on Requests, Assets, or Jobs based on input data from any entity in the Workflow

    • For more information about this major new feature, see this article:

  • Fixed an issue where the ‘Operation’ dropdown on a connector would not be the correct width for the screen

  • Fixed an issue where boolean inputs (true or false) would display the switch above the input heading if you open the input type dropdown

  • Fixed an issue where 2 drop areas would appear underneath a loop block when the loop was inside a branch

  • Fixed an issue where exclusive branches would not respect the data type of dropdown/segmented controls when evaluating form data properties


  • Fixed an issue where segmented controls could not be changed when in bulk edit mode

  • Fixed an issue where read-only controls could be edited on Web even if the user didn’t have the required role


  • Improved the security of Job bulk edit reports - any previously existing bulk edit reports will be removed 30 days after this release

  • Fixed an issue where you were able to create a Job from a Request that didn’t have the details tab enabled (so long as a newer version of the Request form did have the details tab enabled) - this Job would be perpetually invalid and could not be submitted

  • Fixed an issue where thumbnails could fail to generate for newly added photos in photo controls

  • Fixed an issue where media was not copied from the parent Request (if linked) when a Job was created

  • Fixed an issue where it was possible for a Job to get stuck ‘In Progress’ if a user self-deleted their account while they were checked in to the Job


  • Fixed an issue where bulk editing Assets in the ‘Table + Map’ view would not retain your selection after you have completed the edits

  • Fixed an issue where changing an Asset title and attempting to save would display a message that said “No changes available to save” unless you also changed something else

Recurring Schedules BUSINESS

  • Fixed an issue where you could not update the details of an existing Recurring Schedule, as the save button would not work


  • Fixed an issue where Request media would not appear on the Request’s ‘Location’ tab even if the ‘Media’ visualization was enabled in map options

Request Bulk Import BUSINESS

  • Fixed an issue where Requests that were bulk imported with linked Assets would not display on the map view


  • Fixed an issue where error messages may be unreadable if editing a ‘Pending’ user fails

  • Fixed an issue where the user profile dropdown menu would appear below the page on narrow screens

  • Fixed an issue where the color picker for custom roles would appear below the page

  • Fixed an issue where ENTERPRISE workspaces could not reactivate users due to an ‘insufficient seats’ error


  • Fixed an issue where you were you could not use basemaps from a newly connected basemap provider until you reloaded the page


The following changes apply to the in-app Billing features only, and as such do not affect ENTERPRISE customers

  • Fixed an issue where the error message for an incorrect CVV code would appear twice


The following changes apply to custom API integrations, and shouldn’t affect Gruntify apps

  • Added the ability to sort Assets by LastModifiedAt

  • Altered the way that Form Data is returned for upcoming v4.4 endpoints

  • Added a function which will automatically resolve PATCH form data condition conflicts if a trigger control is updated to make a condition false, but the target control is not explicitly updated

Mobile App Updates


  • Updated the password requirements list to reflect our new, tougher requirements for new passwords

  • IOS Fixed an issue where entering an MFA code to sign in may fail under specific circumstances


  • Fixed an issue where editing a Request in any way would clear the ‘GPS Accuracy’ value of any media photos taken in-app

  • Fixed an issue where the ‘Client Reference’ filter would appear for Requests in PROFESSIONAL Workspaces (this should only appear in BUSINESS Workspaces)

  • IOS Fixed an issue where it could take multiple taps to open a Request from the map view

  • IOS Fixed an issue where annotations would not display for Request media while in ‘Pending’ or ‘Draft’

  • IOS Fixed an issue where photo control images would be saved to the gallery even if the setting to save photos to gallery was disabled

  • ANDROID Fixed an issue where ‘Draft’ and ‘Pending’ Requests would not appear on the map view


  • Fixed an issue where Jobs may fail to complete with an error that says “the condition for this control has not been met and as such a value cannot be provided” in complex forms

  • ANDROID Fixed an issue where not all Job media would be available when a Job is cached offline, particularly if the media had annotations

  • IOS Fixed an issue where tapping on a Job card while in offline mode could open the wrong Job if you had multiple Jobs cached at once

  • IOS Fixed an issue where ‘Queued’ Jobs would appear above ‘In Progress’ Jobs in the My Jobs list

  • IOS Fixed an issue where existing Trips attached to a Job would not be viewable when the Job was cached for offline use


  • ANDROID Fixed UI defects on the Trip recording screen relating to obscured and misplaced buttons


  • IOS Fixed an issue where the address search bar on the Request/Job location tab was obscured when the location mode was set to ‘Assets’ instead of ‘Geolocation’

  • ANDROID Fixed an issue where the “Queensland Government” basemaps would display as blank

Release 20241023

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Release Type: Production

 New to our release notes? Open me!

Our release notes are split into sections based on device platform and application module. Next to each module name, you will see tags to indicate which subscription plans are affected by the listed changes. When looking for changes that apply to you, simply find any modules with your subscription plan tagged.

See the examples below:

Web App Updates


  • Fixed an issue where form conditions on dropdown controls would not trigger correctly

In this example, we can see that there was a bug fix that affects all plans in the Requests module. This fix only affects the web app as it is in the ‘Web App Updates’ section

Mobile App Updates


  • IOS Fixed an issue where Asset geometry would not display if you were using an offline basemap

In this example, we can see that there was a bug fix that only affects Business users in the Assets module. This fix only affects the iOS app, as it is in the ‘Mobile App Updates’ section and is tagged with ‘iOS’.

If you are ever unsure about the meaning of a particular release note item, please feel free to contact our support by raising a Technical Support ticket.

Feature Spotlight: Billing Upgrades


In this release, we have completely re-vamped our in-app billing system! Now it's easier than ever to see your historic invoices, update your subscription on the fly, or even upgrade your plan. You can also have absolute confidence in your monthly spend, with new features to highlight active paid addons and provide up-front previews of proration charges for any subscription change. Please note that these changes do not affect ENTERPRISE customers who are not billed in-app.

Feature Spotlight: Workflow Loop Connector


Get ready to take your Workflows to the next level! With the addition of loops, you can now perform complex tasks like update all linked Assets to a Request/Job or process every value in a multi-select form control. This marks a major milestone in our journey to unlocking the full automation potential for every organization in Gruntify.

Web App Updates

This Production release includes all items from the previous UAT release:

Release 20241009

Mobile App Updates

This Production release includes all items from the previous UAT release:

Release 20241009
Release 20241009

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Release Type: UAT

This UAT release applies to ENTERPRISE customers only. Other customers can look forward to these improvements in the next release.

 New to our release notes? Open me!

Our release notes are split into sections based on device platform and application module. Next to each module name, you will see tags to indicate which subscription plans are affected by the listed changes. When looking for changes that apply to you, simply find any modules with your subscription plan tagged.

See the examples below:

Web App Updates


  • Fixed an issue where form conditions on dropdown controls would not trigger correctly

In this example, we can see that there was a bug fix that affects all plans in the Requests module. This fix only affects the web app as it is in the ‘Web App Updates’ section

Mobile App Updates


  • IOS Fixed an issue where Asset geometry would not display if you were using an offline basemap

In this example, we can see that there was a bug fix that only affects Business users in the Assets module. This fix only affects the iOS app, as it is in the ‘Mobile App Updates’ section and is tagged with ‘iOS’.

If you are ever unsure about the meaning of a particular release note item, please feel free to contact our support by raising a Technical Support ticket.

Feature Spotlight: Billing Upgrades


In this release, we have completely re-vamped our in-app billing system! Now it's easier than ever to see your historic invoices, update your subscription on the fly, or even upgrade your plan. You can also have absolute confidence in your monthly spend, with new features to highlight active paid addons and provide up-front previews of proration charges for any subscription change. Please note that these changes do not affect ENTERPRISE customers who are not billed in-app.

Feature Spotlight: Workflow Loop Connector


Get ready to take your Workflows to the next level! With the addition of loops, you can now perform complex tasks like update all linked Assets to a Request/Job or process every value in a multi-select form control. This marks a major milestone in our journey to unlocking the full automation potential for every organization in Gruntify.

Web App Updates


The following changes apply to the in-app Billing features only, and as such do not affect ENTERPRISE customers

  • Added the ability to upgrade a PROFESSIONAL Workspace to BUSINESS in Billing > Update Plan

  • Added the ability to get a PDF invoice in Billing > Billing History by clicking the action menu (…) of an invoice entry

  • Updated the way that pro-rata charges work:

    • You will now see prorations on your next monthly invoice rather than being charged separately

    • You can now preview approximately how much proration will cost before making a change

    • Reducing the number of users in your workspace will now trigger a negative pro-rata charge

  • Updated the Billing History page to use the new table, and to show whether or not an invoice contains a proration

Workflow Studio BUSINESS

  • Added the ‘Loop’ structure, allowing you to iterate over data and perform a set of actions on each entry

  • Fixed an issue where dropdown and segmented controls in Request/Job/Asset forms could not be used as input parameters for tasks that require text string inputs


  • Upgraded PDF exports to use an entirely new engine, PDFs should still match the same layout as before

  • Updated the PDF errors page (at the end of the document if applicable) to display user-friendly messages instead of error codes

  • Fixed an issue where exporting a Request to PDF with no form data would also exclude that Request’s media

  • Fixed an issue where repeaters and subsections would always appear at the end of the parent section in PDF exports, rather than at their actual position in the form


  • Added a pre-export check to ensure that there aren’t more than 40,000 Assets selected (from the current filters) when initiating an export

  • Updated the ‘Location’ tab so that polygon Assets are not fully opaque when they are being edited

  • Fixed an issue on the ‘Mapping’ screen of Asset bulk imports where the dropdown would go off the edge of the screen


  • Fixed an issue where it would appear that you were able to change the assignee of a Job while it is in 'Pending Review' even though this not supported


  • Fixed an issue where it would appear that you were able to upload media even if you didn't have permission to edit the open Request/Job/Asset


  • Fixed an issue where dropdowns/segmented controls would not apply their default value when editing the form of the open Request/Job/Asset

  • Fixed an issue where editing a repeater instance would open the repeater partially scrolled rather than at the top of the page


  • Fixed an issue where you would see lots of unrelated results when searching for a Request/Job/Asset Reference number


  • Fixed an issue where the card view would not resize to show more cards on bigger displays


  • Fixed an issue where dashboards with long names could present a few text wrapping issues

  • Fixed an issue where the page would move upwards off the screen when opening a Workspace under certain conditions


  • Added the ability to filter the Workspace audit log to specific kinds of changes

  • Updated audit log exports to respect the applied filters at the time of exporting


  • Added a search bar to the Map Layer manager page to enable quick access to particular layers

  • Updated the Map Layer manager page to use the new table


  • Added Microsoft, Google, and Apple sign in options to all UAT environments to promote consistency between Gruntify apps (this will not affect production on release)


The following changes apply to custom API integrations, and shouldn’t affect Gruntify apps

  • Added ParameterGroups support to all Export endpoints, to allow advanced filtering configurations to be exported

  • Added LastModifiedAt as a supported parameter for ParameterGroups on all ElasticSearch endpoints

  • Updated some endpoints (non-breaking) in preparation for an API v4.4 launch - stay tuned

  • Fixed an issue where submitting a form data PATCH for Requests/Jobs/Assets with a trip control would fail unless you explicitly provided the value for the trip control

Mobile App Updates


  • Added an address search bar that will zoom the map to the entered address, this is available on:

    • Requests Map

    • Jobs Map

    • Assets Map

    • Location tab of a Request/Job/Asset

  • IOS Fixed an issue where newly created map layers would not appear in the layers list in ‘Downloaded Layers’ screen

  • IOS Fixed an issue where Request/Job filters were not respected when opening a cluster on the map

  • IOS Fixed an issue where opening a ‘Pending’ or ‘Draft’ Request from the map would crash the app if the Request had linked media


  • ANDROID Fixed an issue where newly created Request forms would not be automatically downloaded to the app for offline use after initial setup

  • IOS Fixed an issue where Requests submitted while offline would record their capture date as the date uploaded to the server rather than the actual date of capture

  • IOS Fixed an issue where Request cards' status badge could display incorrectly


  • ANDROID Fixed an issue where attempting to open a Job that you did not have permission to view through the Asset ‘Activity’ tab would crash the app

  • IOS Fixed an issue where partially completing a Job offline and then finalizing it in online mode could cause data loss in photo controls

  • IOS Fixed an issue where completing a Job offline could potentially fail to sync when back in online mode, requiring a second press of the ‘Complete’ button

  • IOS Fixed an issue where offline Jobs that were associated with different Asset types (based on geometry) may not always display all Assets while offline

  • IOS Fixed an issue where the map view would not display the correct Job count when zooming in and out in offline mode


  • ANDROID Added a ‘Client Reference’ filter to the Requests and All Jobs screen

  • ANDROID Added the ‘Asset ID’ and ‘Customer Asset ID’ filters to the Assets selection screen (location tab) for Requests and Jobs


  • ENTERPRISE Added Microsoft, Google, and Apple sign in options to all UAT environments to promote consistency between Gruntify apps (this will not affect production on release)

  • IOS Fixed an issue where the app would become unresponsive if you tried to close the Workspace selection screen on first login


  • IOS Fixed an issue where you could not swipe through Request, Job, or Asset Media

  • IOS Fixed an issue where Request media would display as blank for ‘Pending’ Requests