What is the difference between users and seats?
'Seats' basically correspond to 'users'. Seats determine how many users you can have registered in your workspace at one time. When you want to add additional users to your workspace you need to add additional seats to cover them.
When you remove a user the seat remains and you will continue getting charged for it. You can either remove the seat or you can reassign it to another user. Note: there is no pro-rata refund for the remaining billing month.
If you remove a seat you can reinstate it within the current billing period without getting charged again for it. Otherwise if it’s removed and you enter the next billing period you will no longer get charged for it.
For example:
You have a property management company and you usually have 5 staff members going out doing the maintenance. 2 of them job share and only work part of the week.
Billing date is the 1st of the Month. You have 5 seats for your 5 maintenance staff, so each user has their own login and password (important for security!)
On the 14th of the month one staff member retires. You expect to take some time to find a replacement so on the 15th of the month you reduce it to 4 seats (no refund is given for the unused portion).
Reinstating a seat part-way through the billing period will result in no extra charge.
Then on the 20th one of your old staff members from years ago rings up and asks if you have any work. Excited to have them back you go back up to 5 seats before the 1st of the next Month (no charge as it’s reinstating the removed seat within the billing period). The staff member gets a new account.
Adding a seat part-way through the billing period will result in a pro-rated charge.
Over the next few months, the number of properties you manage increases as businesses in your city are impressed with the quick response from your staff and the level of detail in your invoices. You put on a new staff member, starting on the 16th of the month.
The day before they start you add an extra seat, bringing it up to 6 seats. You are only charged 50% of the seat for the first month and then the full amount on the next billing date.
Canceling Your Subscription
If you no longer wish to use Gruntify, you may delete all of your workspaces. As you are billed per workspace, deleting the workspaces will automatically end the subscription.
To delete a workspace:
Go to Settings at the bottom of the menu on the left.
Then select Workspace
Click on the Delete Workspace button.
Confirm that you want to delete the workspace by
checking the box next to “I understand”
typing DELETE into the field, and finally
pressing the DELETE MY WORKSPACE button.
You will be logged out automatically from Gruntify after deleting the workspace. If you have other workspaces you can log in again and continue. Your account has not been cancelled, just the workspace.