Gruntify Releases 2023

Gruntify Releases 2023

New features and release details for Gruntify Professional and Gruntify for Business during 2023.

iOS and Android apps may not be available on the date listed, as it can take a couple of days for the apps to be approved and rolled out to all territories.


Release Identifier v20231108


Wednesday, 8th of November 2023

This Release includes updates from the below Release as well as the changes listed subsequently.

Minor Updates web


  • Fixed an issue where card titles with more than one line were displaying improperly.

  • Fixed an issue where Asset Visualizations were not displaying properly from the Jobs map view and the Job has an asset associated with it. BUSINESS Enterprise business

  • Jobs in Gruntify have been updated to use the Elastic system. Details for what new capabilities this system has can be found Here. BUSINESS Enterprise business

Minor Updates mobile


  • Updated the menu when exiting requests and request drafts that are being edited to be consistent across both mobile platforms.

  • Improved performance of the map view for Requests and Jobs.

  • Added the ability to select and accept multiple jobs from the job queue. BUSINESS Enterprise business


Release Identifier v20231011


Friday, 13th of October 2023

Owners can now Configure Workspace Appearance Settings Web


Owners and Primary Owners are now able to access a new 'Appearance' tab under Workspace Settings. You are now able to add a:

  • Workspace Brand Logo

  • Workspace Brand Icon

  • Workspace Brand Color

Minor Updates web


  • Added a warning if you try to create a request without the proper permissions

  • Fixed an issue where the 'New Dashboard' button would disappear in some instances

  • Fixed an issue where character limits were being bypassed in the form builder

  • Fixed an issue where 'unused datasets detected' was appearing even when there were no datasets

  • Fixed an issue where image thumbnails would fail if they contained a special character in the file name

  • Jobs now are sorted by 'Start Date' by default Enterprise business

Minor Updates mobile


  • Offline Job Caching has been updated with various improvements

  • Updated Android menu when exiting Requests

  • Fixed an issue where Requests would have inconsistent colors

  • Fixed an issue where filtering by date on iOS would not work as intended

  • Jobs now are sorted by 'Start Date' in both My Jobs and All Jobs by default Enterprise business


Release Identifier v20230904


Monday, 4th of September 2023 PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS

Wednesday, 6th of September 2023 Enterprise

This Release includes updates from the below Release as well as the changes listed subsequently.

Minor Updates mobile


  • Card layout settings will now apply to asset and job cards on mobile on Android

  • Fixed an issue blocking editing post work forms if existing photo control photos were present on iOS

  • Fixed an issue where a message stating ‘100% media limit reached’ was shown even though only one photo was taken

  • Fixed an issue where cached jobs in Map view would not display in offline mode on Android



Release Identifier v20230802


Wednesday, 2nd of August 2023

Caching and Offline Jobs mobile EARLY Preview

Enterprise business

After a Job is Accepted by a team, a job is able to be cached for offline access and editing. Once cached and offline, you will be able to access and edit the job form and media even if there is no internet connection at the job site.

Map Options/Layer Control now available in more places Web


By popular demand, the map options sidebar has been added to the following map views where it did not previously exist:

  • Map layer create/edit screen

  • Fullscreen view

  • Requests area filter

This will allow for greater flexibility over the layers and visualizations displayed in these views.

Minor Updates



  • Forms will now warn you if you have unused datasets when trying to publish them

  • When exporting requests or jobs, you should now be warned before submitting the export if you have too many selected at once

  • Updated filter bar UI in requests to better align with design changes across the app

  • Layer icons added in the advanced layer styling options will now appear in the legend


  • You will now be shown a warning if you try to upload media that exceeds the maximum allowable media size when submitting a request

  • Fixed an issue where the some cases, you were asked to wait indefinitely and could not continue

  • Fixed an issue where signing up to a new account would instead display a communication error and not continue


Release Identifier v20230705


Wednesday, 5th of July 2023

This Release includes updates from the below Release as well as the changes listed subsequently.

Minor Updates mobile


  • The Visualize option in request map options is no longer in all caps ios

  • Gruntify now notifies you with a popup when a new version of the app is available


Release Identifier v20230628


Wednesday, 28th of June 2023

This Release includes updates from the below Release as well as the changes listed subsequently.

Minor Updates mobile


  • The loud shutter sound when taking photos on Android has been disabled

  • Updated toast pop up visual to have a dark background with white text for higher contrast

  • Fixed an issue where the app would get stuck and display 'Cannot retrieve latest data' and not display requests as expected

  • Fixed an issue where basemaps with long names will now wrap to a new line to be easier to read

  • Fixed an issue where selecting an item from a dropdown control would snap the focus to the top of the screen

  • Fixed an issue where the location popup would display multiple times when location is unavailable or disabled instead of only once

  • Fixed an issue where some page headers would respect changes to workspace naming settings

  • Fixed an issue where submitting requests from drafts would fail when uploaded media was present


Release Identifier v20230531


Wednesday, 31st of May 2023

Connect Map Layers to External Data Sources web


You are now able to connect external data sources as map layers that are updated in Gruntify whenever the external data is updated and the map is reloaded.

More details about map layers can be found here.

Create and Update Jobs from the Job Calendar View web

Enterprise business

You can now create jobs from the job calendar view by right clicking a timeslot in the calendar and then clicking 'Create Job'. You can also update job timeframes from the job calendar view by dragging the upper or lower border of the job in the calendar view to extend or shorten job timeframes.

Minor Updates Web


  • The ‘map options’ sidebar is now able to be visible when in the full-screen map view

  • Gruntify Trial emails have a new look, no information changes have been made

  • The privacy policy and terms of use are now displayed when a new user account is created

  • The look of form section headers (the header that appears when you have multiple sections to navigate) has been updated to take up less space

  • Workspace settings shows a popup if you try to exit with unsaved changes

  • Visualizations now only show if they fit the current search query as opposed to always showing

  • Updated new workspace button to a new look, functionality is maintained

  • Updated popup buttons across the app to a new look, functionality is maintained

  • Fixed an issue where the ‘users by team’ filter used in some dashboards would display improperly

Release Identifier v20230510


Wednesday, 10th of May 2023

This Release includes updates from the below Release as well as the changes listed subsequently.

Changes to Page Headings WEB


The interface has been updated to maximize usable space by unifying the page heading and top bar. This is part of our commitment to improve Gruntify’s user experience by optimizing’s screen space and usability. We hope you like it!

Custom Map Layers Import/Export WEB


Custom Map Layers can now be imported to and exported from different workspaces. This also includes styling specific to the map layer.

More details on this feature can be found here.

Limit Maximum Uploaded Media Size WEB


In the form builder, under the media option, you can now add a 'Max Total Media Size' in megabytes. The default limit is 15Mb but can be set between 1 and 25. A warning will pop up of you are close or exceed this limit in the request.

Minor Updates



  • You can now sort requests by media count columns

  • You can now see the date of invite sent for pending users

  • Fixed an issue where applying conditional logic would not allow you to edit a request

  • Fixed an issue where you could not view others' user profiles

  • Fixed an issue where controls with the same name and IDs would be misidentified as each other

  • Fixed an issue where custom depot properties would lose data when the name was changed

  • Fixed an issue where GeoJson exports with too many trips would fail unexpectedly

  • Fixed an issue where info box form controls would not appear when exported when 'render empty for fields' is true

  • Improved scroll behavior in settings submenus

  • Improved animations when hovering over workspace selection cards

  • Improved popup animation and layout

  • Updated icons in the Gruntify interface

  • Systematic update to the API