Dashboard Overview

Dashboard Overview

Business professional

The Dashboard screen supports simple reporting widgets that show the current details for commonly used, KPI style indicators. For example, the Dashboard can show you how many Requests or Jobs are being created by your users and when they are being created. System resources can likewise be monitored. You can have multiple dashboards so that you can set up say, the Request reports on one dashboard, system resource reports on another, and a third main dashboard for overall monitoring.

You can set the dashboards up in a full-screen TV mode with an auto-refresh for ongoing monitoring or just refer to them occasionally. You can even export the data to a spreadsheet file to use in other reports.

The Project Information Tile

Project Information is by default the first tile of the System Dashboard and can also be added to custom dashboards. An example of a filled-out Project Information tile is shown to the bottom-right.

As a system report, by default it is only accessible to users with Read System Report permission. This means that by default it is only accessible to Owners and Primary Owners and you will need to set up Custom Roles with this permission enabled to view it as a non-owner.

This tile can be used to show project-critical details such as a project description, start and end dates, project stakeholders and a project identifier.

This information is configurable per-workspace in the workspace settings shown below.

A screenshot of the settings page and where you can configure Project Details.


If you are working your way through the Getting Started tutorial trail, go on to Step 9: Reports and Exports

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