Release 20240918
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Release Type: Production
Web App Updates
This release includes all items from the previous UAT Release:
In addition, the following items were patched into UAT post-release and will also be included:
Dashboards Professional Business
Updated system dashboard report ‘Azure Maps Requests per Day’ (now ‘Static Maps Requests per Day’) to reflect the change in static map imagery providers
Map View (Requests, Jobs, and Assets) Professional Business
Fixed an issue where the heatmap visualization would only highlight a single point on the map
Jobs Business
Fixed an issue where the ‘Save’ button was disabled for any Job that was On Hold
Mobile App Updates
This release includes all items from the previous UAT Release:
In addition, the following items were patched into UAT post-release and will also be included:
Login & User Profile Professional Business
ios Fixed an issue where any error during login would display as ‘Error during communication with server’ rather than the actual error (ie. Incorrect password, account blocked, etc.)
Android Fixed an issue where you could not tap ‘Send’ on the ‘Forgot Password’ screen if your email address contains an apostrophe
Android Fixed an issue where the user status indicator (circle next to the profile image) would display green when the user was in offline mode
Assets Business
Added offline Asset functionality, allowing users to view Asset information for offline Jobs that have been cached to their device
To read more about offline Jobs and associated functionality, see this article: Jobs on the Mobile App | Offline Jobs
iOS Fixed an issue where editing an Asset would clear its custom name and revert it to the Form name