Reading Guides

Reading Guides

Are you new to Gruntify? Do the tutorials all look too much and not sure where to start? Try these reading guides to get you started.

Once you know which areas are of interest, use the tree menu on the left-hand side to find further topics to read, or use the search magnifying glass in the top right to jump straight to a topic of interest.

High-Level Overview: Getting Started Trail

Of Interest To Management, Technical Administration Staff, Reseller Sales Staff

Getting Started Introduction


Administering Gruntify

Of Interest To Technical Administration Staff, Technical Support Staff, Gruntify Administrators

Read all of the Getting Started Trail given above (starting with the Getting Started Introduction), then concentrate on the Jobs & Scheduling section (if you are using the Job functionality) and Administration. Read through each page and then if the details are of interest then watch the video.

( Optional ) If you are using the user tracking feature then cover the GPS Tracking tutorial in the Field Work section.

If you will be editing the forms, then read through the Form Management section. Read through each page and then if the details are of interest then watch the video.

Gruntify In The Field

Of Interest To Field team members, Team leaders, Technical Support Staff

From the Getting Started Trail mentioned above, cover

Then move onto the Field Work section and cover


Of Interest To Technical Administration Staff, Technical Support Staff

The FAQ section does not need to be read in detail but be aware that this is a good place to look for a quick answer that isn’t covered elsewhere.

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