Jobs & Scheduling

Jobs & Scheduling

Business enterprise business

Jobs and the following Job-related functionality are only available to Gruntify for Business workspaces. If you would like to upgrade your free trial to Gruntify for Business, it can be done via billing in the workspace settings. If you would like to upgrade your Professional workspace to a Business workspace, you can Contact Us.

The main differences between Jobs and Requests are that Jobs are assigned to Teams rather than individuals and that Jobs are facilitated mainly using the Gruntify Mobile App. More details about the Job Workflow can be detailed in its own article.

The rest of this article summarises features unique to Gruntify’s Business subscription, a list of feature comparisons can be found in the article below.

Accreditations are the officially recognized skills of your staff. They can be used to recognise Using Accreditations, you are able to ensure that jobs are allocated only to the teams that have the correct qualifications to do the task.

Assets are fixed geographical locations, representing a real-world item. The purpose of an asset is to define an entity that can be assigned as the location of a job or a request. In a park, assets could be the garden beds, paths, playgrounds, buildings, or a statue. For a power utility, the poles and substations are assets.

A Depot is a location associated with Teams, and hence Equipment. If you are using Jobs, you must assign your field staff into Teams, and Teams to Depots. If you are using Jobs and do not have Depots in your organization, you will need to create at least one dummy Depot for Jobs to work.

Equipment covers the trucks, machinery, computers, and any other tools owned by your organization and used by your staff. Using Equipment, you are able to ensure that jobs are allocated only to the teams that have the correct tools to do the task.

Before you can create any jobs, you need to create a Job Template. The template ties together the data to be collected for the job with what is needed for the job. Once the template is created, a Job can be created manually.

Jobs can be set to be done on Recurring Job Schedule, which could be a particular day of the week, month of the year, or every X days or months.

Use the Job Bulk Import to create a batch of jobs using an Excel spreadsheet, or the Asset Bulk Import to import and update Assets.

Using Geofencing you set up the jobs so that field workers can only check in and check out while they are at the job location, with a small buffer to allow for inaccuracy.

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