Exporting and importing forms

Professional Business

This article will explain how to import and export forms in Gruntify Web only. This is useful if you have more than one workspace and want to copy a form from one workspace to another.

Currently there is no way to import or export forms in Gruntify Mobile.

Exporting Forms

Forms can be exported by finding the form you want to export, clicking on the menu dots on the far-right end of the item in the table. They look like three dots close together at the end of the row.

From there you can select Export. You can then select where you would like to save the downloaded form and the form will be downloaded to your selected location.

An example screenshot is shown below.

Form Export Example Image
Click to Expand

Bulk Exporting Forms

If you would like to export multiple forms, you can use the checkboxes on the left side to select multiple items.

You can then select the Export button at the top of the table which will allow to select the export location. Once a location is a selected, a zip file will be downloaded with the selected forms inside.

An example screenshot is shown below.

Bulk Export Example Image
Click to Expand

Importing Forms

Forms that are exported can then be imported to the same or different workspaces.

To import forms, click the import button in the top-right of the Forms menu.

You can select a form you have exported and it will open as a new form draft.

The video tutorial below will explain how to import and export forms in further detail. 

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