Getting Help

Getting Help

This page is for users who would like you know how to get in contact with us for software or sales support.

🧾 Contacting Sales

You may want to contact our Sales Team for inquiries and information about how Gruntify can work for you. As soon as we hear from you, we get in touch with you with all the information you need fast.

Meet with a product consultant to see how Gruntify can fit your exact business needs by exploring our tailored pricing plans based on your goals and priorities and get a free customized demo where you’ll learn how Gruntify can help you.


🛠️ Gruntify Support Page

If you are in need to technical assistance, you might want to have a look at our Software Support Page for help from our team of Gruntify experts.

The Gruntify Support Page is where we can answer your technical and product questions or also where you can report issues and and pose questions to our team. Our team is at your service and ready to answer any questions you might have with Gruntify. We respond to your provided email so please ensure you type your email address correctly so we may get back to you as soon as possible.


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