Asset Updates

Asset Updates

There are four ways to update Assets in Gruntify:

  1. Single Asset Update using the Admin Portal or Mobile App. This is covered on the main Assets page.

  2. Bulk Import re-importing existing assets. This is covered on the Asset Bulk Import page. This option should be used if the change is generated by another system.

  3. Bulk Edit - changing a batch of assets using the Admin Portal.

  4. Form Migration - changing the existing assets when a form is updated.

Use this decision chart to work out the best way in any particular case.

Asset Decision Tree - Click to Zoom


The trickiest case is illustrated in the right hand flow, Form Update, when you need to combine type Form Migration with Bulk Edit. You may change a form to add some new mandatory fields, or make some fields mandatory that were optional previously. If the field you are adding does not have a default value then you need to update the existing assets with a value before making the field mandatory.

This process is shown in the video below. It will illustrate doing both the Asset Bulk Edit and the Form Migration.


Migration Issues

When you update an Asset form, you will usually migrate the existing Assets to the new form version. However some assets may not able to be updated. In the email that you will receive with the migration results, click on the Fix Assets button to bring up the Migration Review and you can use that to fix up the problem records. See the video above for an example of doing a Form Migration.

Mandatory and No Default?

One particular situation that can cause a problem is adding a mandatory field that does not have a default. You can fix this by using the Migration Review but if you have a large number of assets to update then this is impractical. Instead follow this process:

  1. In the Asset form, add the new field but make it not mandatory.

  2. Migrate the assets. The new field should not cause a problem. Fix any other issues found with the migration.

  3. Use Bulk Edit to add the new values, tweaking the values to suit each batch of Assets edited.

  4. Make the new field mandatory.

  5. Migrate the assets again. Any records updated with the Bulk Edit will migrate fine. If there are just a few problem ones left do those manually.

Asset Migration Email Not Available.

Someone has edited the form and the migration failed on some records. But then they delete the email by accident, or isn’t at work the next day, and you want to fix the failed records. But without that email you don’t have the link to the Migration Review screen.

Go back into the Form Editor and republish the form. This will trigger the migration again and you will get the new email.

Asset Bulk Edit

Asset Bulk Edit is used to update a batch of Asset records with the same new values. See the video above for an example of doing a Bulk Edit.

When doing a bulk edit, remember:

  • Use filters, column sorting & page size to get Assets on one screen.

  • All selected Assets must have the same form.
    You can only edit the Asset form fields.

  • You cannot edit the general Asset values like Customer Id.

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