Asset Bulk Import
Business Enterprise
Bulk Import allows you to import the geographical definitions of your Assets from an existing system, rather than redrawing them all manually in Gruntify.
For example, you may have 100 garden bed assets in the system that require monthly maintenance. The garden beds already exist in a corporate asset management system, including their geographic location.
You can set up the Asset form for these garden bed assets in Gruntify, and then download the asset locations as a GeoJSON file (GDA84 coordination system ) or a CSV with Well-known text (WKT) representation of the geometry (See Well-known text representation of geometry). There is no download template like there is for Requests or Jobs.
Bulk Import is only available to users with an Owner role.
Before starting the import, ensure you have:
Created a suitable Asset Form for your data. The names of the controls in the Asset Form do not need to match the names in CSV or GeoJSON file - you will be able to match up the names as part of the import.
An import file in CSV or GeoJSON file format, usually created by another computer system.
Select whether you want to use the GeoJSON format file or a CSV file.
Choose which Asset type you want to use for the new Assets, by selecting the appropriate Asset form.
Upload the GeoJSON / CSV file.
Map the fields in the GeoJSON / CSV file to the Gruntify fields then click Next to start processing the file.
Preview the results of the Import. If it looks okay, click Finish Import and click Confirm on the dialog to confirm updating the database. If there are issues, you can click Back to change the field mappings, or Save to create a Draft import and return to it later.
Once you click Finish Import and Confirm the import, Gruntify will start importing the Assets into the Gruntify database and you will receive an email with the results when it is done.
If you saved the Import as a draft, then you will be returned to the Asset Bulk Import menu. From here you can delete the draft if you want to start again, or reload the draft to continue processing.
Updating Assets (Attributes)
Requests and Job imports will create duplicate records if you reupload the same data. It is impossible to update the data already loaded.
Assets however can be updated. Get the Asset reference field, which is the AS-000051 style id from the Asset screen, and include it in the import file.
This asset reference also appears in the Confirmation.csv file generated by the import and in the Asset Bulk Export .csv file. Either of these files may be useful to update the matching asset details in other systems, and then they can be included in your new import file when the assets change. Gruntify will match up the Asset IDs and will indicate that you are updating a record rather than adding a new record.
Note: Asset updates via the Bulk Import should only be used if an external system is feeding Gruntify the asset updates. Asset Bulk Edit may be more suitable for other changes. See the Asset Updates page for more on your update choices.
Updating Assets (Geometry)
To update an Asset’s Geometry, you will still need to get the Asset reference field, which is the AS-001122 style id from the Asset screen, and include it in the import file.
Open the GeoJSON file using ArcGIS, QGIS or any spatial data processing software and proceed with editing the feature identified by the Asset ID.
Note that when editing a feature, you still need to comply with the spatial data type indicated in the Asset Form. (e.g. If Roads were identified as lines, you cannot edit features to become polygons, the system will recognize this as an error)
Once satisfied, follow Steps 1-3 of the Asset Bulk Import process above and in Step 4, ensure that you Map the Asset ID field from your GeoJSON to the Asset ID field on the Asset form.
The Import tab will show the number of Assets Created/Updated/Not changed and then the updated geometry should reflect when reviewing the Asset.
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