Request Bulk Import

Request Bulk Import

Bulk Import allows you to create a batch of Requests in Gruntify using a spreadsheet.

This may be useful to import inspections or audits that have been done previously and stored in other systems. This history may be useful for future inspections or audits. For example, Jim Lewis may have been doing Smoke Detector inspections for a couple of years and he wants the old inspections recorded in Gruntify so he has the details of past inspections available to him when he revisits a site.

Or it could be used to set up a list of requests to be actioned that day or week. A realtor may have a system that generates a list of rental property inspections that need to be completed. The basic details of the inspections could be imported into Gruntify and saved as Submitted.

The inspection staff could then visit the properties and complete the inspections, using the details in the request rather than taking a printout and retyping all the details. Then the rentals manager can review the completed Requests.

Bulk Import is only available to users with an Owner role.


The overall process is shown in the diagram below. You download an Excel template for a particular request form, enter the Request details in the template file, upload the Excel file and start the Import processing. The import can take a while so you can go and do other things while it processes. When it completes, you will be sent an email with a Report file containing the results of the import.

If any errors have occurred, you can update the Report file and rerun the import using the Report file, repeating the process until all requests are uploaded.

Updating the Excel File

  • Instructions are given in the top left. Do not change any of the headings, instructions, or form IDs, or add or remove any rows at the top of the file.

  • You must start your data entry on the colored row, which is row 13.

  • The fields in the dark orange must be completed.

  • The fields in yellow are optional.

  • The boxes in white should be skipped. These will be filled in by Gruntify automatically

  • Capture Date must be a valid date in the format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:sszzz. Make sure your date string does not have any spaces and that the timezone starts with a “+” or “-”
    “2019-01-09T15:01:00+00:00” is 9 January 2019, 3:01 pm GMT
    “2021-12-19T012:00:00-04:00” is 19 December, 12 noon pm in New York

  • Status values are: Submitted, Accepted, Rejected.

  • Drop-down values must appear exactly as they are in the form definition.

  • Toggle or on/off values should have the uppercase “TRUE” to indicate on. Use “FALSE” for off.

  • Media files can be added through media URLs separated by semi-colons (;).

The Excel file should have at most 100,000 records. Larger record (row) sizes may lead to adverse performance outcomes.

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