Create and Edit Requests
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  • Create and Edit Requests

    Business Professional

    Requests and Jobs are at the heart of the Gruntify field app on your phone or other mobile devices.

    Requests are how you collect data in the field and submit it back to the office for further processing, and also how you can receive tasks from the office to do further work. Requests can be created when you have network coverage and when you are offline. If offline, the request is stored locally and uploaded automatically when you reconnect to a network.

    Requests are created from a form. Like a paper form you may have used in the past, the form will be divided up into sections and you would work through each section as you do your task. Different sorts of requests that you may enter will have their own forms and so are identified by the form name.

    In your Mobile App, you may find that Requests are called Audit, Deal, Incident, Inspection, Report, Survey, Tender, or Update. They all work the same way, just the name is different. So whenever you see Request in the tutorial below, assume your own wording.

    While Requests have a very simple workflow (seen below), exactly how they work depends on many configuration settings done by the team setting up your installation and forms. This tutorial will cover many of the options available, and your team leaders can let you know exactly how you will be using Gruntify.

    As an example, if you are a Property Inspector you may be given a printed list of properties. Over a week, you visit each property in turn, creating and submitting an Inspection. Back in the office, the Property Manager reviews the Inspections in the Administration Portal (also known as the Web-App) and accepts them as a valid inspection. However, if the property is not up to scratch they may tell the tenant to get the problems fixed and send you back to re-inspect. When you get there, you bring up your previous inspection and select edit. The previous Inspection is copied to a new Inspection, bringing across your previous selections and comments to make the reinspection quicker.

    In another example, you may be a Roadside Assistance worker. Staff in the office take calls from clients and create an Incident using the Admin Portal with the client details and the breakdown location. You see the Incident pop up on the map, and bring up the Incident for the location. Traveling to the location you may record a trip report. Once there, you do the work and update the Incident. Back in the office, the Team Leaders review the response you gave and accept the record.

    The video tutorial below will explain how to create a new request and how to edit an existing request in the Gruntify mobile app. 

    Request Location

    Click to Zoom

    There are a few options to keep in mind on the ‘Location’ tab when creating a new Request.

    Gruntify Professional users will see a Pencil icon, which they can use to edit the geolocation of a request.

    Gruntify for Business users have the choice of Assets or Geolocations for Requests. The Location screen in Requests now defaults to either Asset or Geolocation, depending on which one was selected in the Form. Using the pencil icon the user can easily go into edit mode and select different assets or move the geolocation pin. The pencil triggers a menu which will also switch from Asset to Geolocation, or back the other way.



    Filtering Requests

    If you need to search for a particular request or filter the requests on the map to reduce the number you see, you can search on the following values. The video tutorial below explains the status values and gives an example of using the filters. Note: You can no longer use the distance filter. It will now default to showing you the requests close by initially, and paging will allow you to see ones further away.

    • Show: All or Me Only

    • Status: Submitted, Accepted, Rejected, Draft, Pending, Review

    • Priority: High, Low, Medium

    • Forms & Form Data: Selected form(s) and/or values in fields

    • Date Range: Last 7 Days up to no date range

    • Advanced: Enter unique Request ID (aka Reference)






    Archived Requests

    In Gruntify, Owners can choose toArchive' old Requests, making them permanently read-only for compliance or audit purposes. An important note about Archived Requests is that they are not visible in the mobile app to field users. Archived Requests can only be viewed from the Web app, as they are not designed to be referred to or updated like Requests in other statuses.

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