Work Regions
  • Needs update
  • Work Regions

    Professional Business Enterprise

    Work Regions allow you to group Requests and Users by geographical areas. Work Regions do not apply to any Job functionality.

    To create a work region, you firstly need to create a Custom Map Layer that has the following characteristics:

    • a polygon or multi-polygon layer

    • no more than 256 polygons/multi-polygons

    • when you create the layer, you must set the Work Region Access option to ‘on’.

    To name your Work Regions, you may specify what map layer attribute to use as your work region names.

    You cannot change the attribute used to define work region names after it is first set

    You can then assign those regions to users or teams. Those users will only be able to see requests that are contained within their allocated regions on the mobile app and in the web-app.

    Map Layers and Work Regions Video

    The video below goes into detail on how to add a custom map layer, turn it into a work region and assign it to a team.

    More details about custom map layers can be found here.

    The video below includes outdated information

    Specifically, it mentions a requirement for an attributed called ‘name’ which is no longer necessary. We will update the video in time to reflect the new process for selecting a region name attribute.

    How Work Regions are Used

    Once a team is assigned to work region all users inside that team are only able to view requests that are geographically placed in the work region.

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