

The Dashboard screen supports simple reporting widgets that show the details about how many requests are being created by your users and when they are being created, as well as some simple reporting on the users and the teams. Each report is on its own “card” or “tile”, which you can rearrange to group related reports together.

You can have multiple dashboards so that you can set up say, the team by team details one dashboard and have another overall summary dashboard.

A System Dashboard is created for Owners, to allow them to monitor system resources. The System Dashboard will retain the filter settings in the browser temporarily but otherwise cannot be changed.

Create your own Personal Dashboards and set them up as you like, mixing different types of reports and setting the automatic refresh time between 1 minute to 1 hour (optional).

You can set the dashboards up in a full-screen TV mode with an auto-refresh for ongoing monitoring or just refer to them occasionally. You can even export the data to a spreadsheet file to use in other reports.

Scroll down the page to see a list of reports available.


Bar Charts - Zooming




Gruntify Professional Dashboard Setup

As a Gruntify Professional user, you are likely to be interested in tracking Requests (who is creating and how many) along with some basic system resources. See the screenshot below for a suggested combination. The top row is created using the “Requests created by Users” report, with different date settings applied in the filters.

If you want to see Requests by Form Type, use the “Requests by Priority” and ignore the “Not Specified” text that appears on the tile. The Priority field comes from a feature not available in the Professional version.

The bottom row is monitoring the activity in Gruntify:

  • “Active user sessions” is reflecting how many people are using Gruntify each day.

  • “Azure Map Requests” is indicating how much people are interacting with their maps.

  • Large numbers of “Emails Sent” typically indicate if that users are doing bulk imports or are requesting PDF reports be generated from the Mobile app.


Professional Plan Dashboard - Click to Zoom

Gruntify For Business Dashboard Setup

As a Gruntify for Business user, there are many more reports at your fingertips so have an explore and think about what matters more for you.

The screenshot below is split between jobs and requests, but if you aren’t using requests then you would set it up with more job tiles.

The top row shows Jobs, highlighting how many jobs are overdue, how many hours of work has been completed based on the check-in and check-out of jobs, and the number of hours expected for completion of this week's jobs. Notice that hours completed is shown by the team, and hours for completion is job template based, so that you know what type of work you have left for the week.

You can also the “Job Due for Completion” report set to next week. This is useful to monitor how much work you have already for next week and make sure you don’t over-assign your field workers. Better to know that you should spread the work into the following week than run late!

“Jobs canceled” is also very useful for monitoring why jobs are getting canceled - are they not set up right, are your customers canceling, are you creating duplicate jobs accidentally?

The bottom row in this screenshot lists request reports. The first two are made using the “Requests created by Users” report but the last one is the Priority version. If you are using the “Details” tab in your Requests and then converting the requests to jobs, then this is a useful report. If you are not using the Details tab, then this report gives you requests by Form Type, but all will be marked as “Not Specified”, as the Priority field comes from the Details tab.

Business Plan Dashboard - Click to Zoom

Data Health Checks, Weekly and Monthly Reporting

Other reports lend themselves to monitoring less often. On the left, a report is shown of users who have created requests of a particular type this month. This form records potential new customers or trade work that Beautiful Homes could do. Jim’s doing well this month as usual and Jay Lee looks like having signed up a new customer - this report will remind Rey to follow up the lead and make sure Jay gets a bonus this month.

Jobs will get canceled, but why? Are jobs accidentally being entered into Gruntify twice, or are customers getting fed up waiting and canceling? Is this a training issue or a performance issue?

How about the assets that we are managing? Are there any assets that we are visiting multiple times? Yes - there is one asset for which we have two different maintenance schedules. Something we need to check and see if we can streamline. How about assets with no maintenance schedules - one garden bed and 37 buildings. Looks like Rey needs to spend some time creating some maintenance schedules for the new buildings they are maintaining.


And finally a quick check of the teams. All the teams have staff members, Tradies has a controller (that’s Jim!). The Not Specific will probably be Rey and Teri. All looks good.


These system “health check” type reports should only take a short time to set up and will repay that time with when they alert you to a potential issue that needs investigation.

Available Reports

More reports will be added in the future - this will give you a general idea of the reports available. The reports in green are more overall data integrity and trend monitoring, and red reports are good for daily monitoring.


Report Names



Report Names



Assets Existing on Multiple Active Recurring Schedules

Assets Without Active Recurring Schedule

An asset that may be to be checked/serviced too often or not all at.

The “Active Recurring Schedule” without any filters applied shows the Job Templates and a count of the assets missing any recurring job, and every schedule will have the same number of assets. Create multiple reports of this type and use filters to select the asset types and job templates that match to make a meaningful series of reports.

These reports are useful for checking overall data health.


Job Hours completed per Team

Job Hours due for Completion

Job time monitoring

These reports are useful for daily monitoring.


Jobs Cancelled by Cancellation Reason

Job Cancellation monitoring. These report is useful for daily monitoring if you are having issues with cancellations, otherwise use it for checking long term trends.


Jobs Completed by Team

Jobs Completed Late

Jobs Completed On Time

Jobs Due For Completion

Jobs Overdue For Completion

Job Completion monitoring.

These reports are useful for daily monitoring.


Requests by Priority

Requests captured by Users

Requests captured by Day

Request monitoring. Note the Priority field comes from the Request Details tab (Business Only), so if not using the Details tab then the Priority report will show all requests as “Not Specified”.

These reports are useful for daily monitoring.


Users in Roles by Team

Summary of Owner, Controller, Field Worker etc. This is a count of the users, not a list of the user’s names.

Users / Resources

Active user sessions in Workspace

Indication of how many of your staff are actively using Gruntify (calculated per 15 minutes sessions)

Users / Resources

Users in workspace (Active and Invited)

Similar to user seats, this allows you to see if you are using your seats efficiently, and hence if you need to change the seat settings in billing.


Azure Maps Requests per day

Number of static map requests. Used for PDF report, trip thumbnails and map image on geofencing email.


Emails sent in Workspace by Day

Number of emails sent within the workspace. These include new user invites, import/export reports, PDF reports request on mobiles, geofencing check in warnings, bulk edit, workflow instance failures.


Pusher Messages per Day (Sent and Received)

Pusher messages are used by the mobile apps. This report is not currently available.


Storage consumed for Workspace (GB)

Space used for items such as uploaded photos, videos, documents attached to forms.

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