Export Templates
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  • Export Templates

    Business Professional

    Export templates, previously known as ‘Report templates’, are the basis of all data exports from Gruntify. They allow you to define exactly what data should be included and what file format you would like the exports to be in.

    Gruntify comes out of the box with several ‘Default’ export templates, which you can use to get data for any Request, Job, or Asset. If you need more control over the contents of the export, then you might want to create your own export template.

    You’ll need the ‘Manage Report Templates’ permission to create or modify export templates, which by default is exclusive to the ‘Owner’ role and above.

    To create your own export template, head to Settings > Export Templates. On this screen, you can easily manage your existing export templates, export or import templates to/from another Workspace, and create a fresh template.

    Export Formats

    When you create a custom export template, you get to choose from any of the following formats for your template:

    • PDF exports are your standard document format, useful for creating readable reports.

    • CSV exports are an Excel-compatible format that can be used to easily work with data or import it into another system.

    • GeoJSON exports are a spatial format that can be used to import data into a GIS system or visualize the data on a map.

    Once you select a format for an export template, you cannot change it later

    Export Template Builder

    The export template builder is designed with the same familiar UI as the form builder and Workflow Studio. You’ll find configurable options in the toolbox on the left side of the page, with the title of the template in the top-left. In the main section of the page, you will see a preview of what an export with that template would look like. At this time, only PDF templates support the preview feature.

    The export template preview is for illustration only. Slight differences are possible between the preview and actual exports.

    Once you have created an export template, any changes you make to that template are saved automatically, so there's no need to worry about losing edits.

    Export builder user interface.

    The exact options that appear in the toolbox will vary based on the format of the export template, but a summary can be found below:

    • Form tab

      • Report type (all templates) - This setting allows you to choose what record type this export template should appear for; Requests, Jobs, and Assets all support export templates. Note that PDF exports are not supported for Assets.

      • Form (all templates) - This setting allows you to choose if this export template should be tied to a specific Form. If you would like to pick what form data appears in the export, you’ll need to select a Form for this template to be associated with.

        • If you pick a single Form, you will have additional options appear

        • After selecting a Form, you can choose which fields should appear on the export



      • Form versions (CSV only) - As CSVs are structured tabular data, we let you choose how to handle different form versions. By default, different versions of the same form will be split into separate CSV files. This helps to simplify the export data by only including fields that existed for each unique form version. If you don’t mind having columns that potentially don’t apply to all included form versions, choose ‘Export single CSV file’ to merge all versions together.

    • Media tab

      • This section allows you to choose how media should appear in your export. Depending on your use case, you may want to customize what media appears or exclude it all.

      • PDF exports will include actual images/previews of media, while CSV and GeoJSON exports will include all media files in a separate folder as part of the export when media inclusion is enabled

    • Cover tab (PDF only)

      • This section allows you to add a legal footer to the title page of PDF exports. This is useful if you will be sharing these PDF exports with customers.

    • Layout tab (PDF only)

      • This section allows you to customize the look and feel of the PDF export. You can change the page orientation, add a custom logo to the report, and more.

    • Geometry tab (GeoJSON only)

      • This section allows you to change how the location on the GeoJSON features should be defined when exporting Requests and Jobs. You can choose to include:

        • Point geometry - Will output the geocentric location of the record

        • Line geometry - Will output the geometry of any Trips recorded on the record

      • For Assets this setting is not available


    Can I change the logo in PDF exports?

    Yes you can! The logo in the header of the report can be set in the ‘Layout’ tab at the very bottom. The logo in the footer is actually your Workspace logo, which you can change in settings under ‘Appearance’.

    Can I include information/disclaimers in PDF exports?

    You sure can! You can either enter the information in the legal footer in the ‘Cover’ tab, or you can add it as an info box to your Form, and then enable “Include all info boxes” in the ‘Layout’ tab.

    Why does my CSV export appear as multiple files inside a ZIP?

    Because CSVs are structured tabular data, by default we separate out records into different files based on their form version. This ensures that only fields relevant to that form version are shown, and removes ambiguity about potential blank fields. If you’d rather these all be placed in one file instead, you can enable that on the ‘Form’ tab.

    What's next?

    Now that you know how to create your own export templates, take a look at Exporting Data to learn how to use them!

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