Deleting and Deactivating Users
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  • Deleting and Deactivating Users

    Professional Business Enterprise

    Does your organization employ contractors, use open-door project team allocation, or otherwise have a volatile and ever-changing workforce? If so, understanding the features available in Gruntify to temporarily or permanently restrict access to your workspace users is essential.

    Using the Action menu (…) on a particular user on the Users page, you will see the options to ‘Delete’ or ‘Deactivate’ that user - but what's the difference? Let's take a look at that now.


    User action menu

    Deletion vs Deactivation

    At their core, both of these options will remove access to the workspace for that specific user. Their differences lie in the intended timeframe for this restricted access.

    Deletion is intended to be permanent. That is to say, it is not likely that this user will require access to this workspace again any time soon. The Request, Job, and Asset data that the user has collected will remain unchanged, but their personal profile is deleted from the workspace, and they will no longer be able to see this workspace when they log in.

    You can still choose to filter for Requests by Creator, even if the user is deleted.

    If the user does require access to this workspace again in the future, they will need to be sent a new user invite. Any data that this user previously collected before their deletion will be re-associated with their profile once they join again.

    What about self-initiated deletion?

    Users can choose to completely delete their personal information from Gruntify as part of our GDPR compliance. When they do so, this removes all of their user profiles from each workspace they are in. This action is completely irreversible, and data that these users collected will not be re-associated with them if they do rejoin the workspace at a later date. Learn more here

    On the other hand, deactivation is intended to be a temporary measure. When a user is deactivated, their profile is not deleted from the workspace, but their ability to access it is temporarily hidden. The only change that occurs when a user is deactivated is that they are removed from any active teams they were in.

    When a deactivated user requires access to the workspace again, they will not need a new invite. An owner can simply find them on the Users page and click ‘Activate’ in the action menu. It's also a good idea to re-add that user to teams as necessary so that they can complete their work.

    If a user who is deactivated later leaves the organization permanently, they can still be deleted without needing to be reactivated.

    Billing Implications

    Depending on your current plan, deactivating a user can affect your monthly bill differently.


    Enterprise workspaces are not charged for deactivated users. As such, deactivating a user will be the same as deleting them for billing purposes. You will only be charged for the number of active users you had on your billing date.

    Professional Business

    For Professional and Business users, deactivating a user will free up a seat in your workspace, but you will still be charged for that seat unless you manually reduce your seat count. If you wish to reduce the number of seats in your workspace, you can you so on the Billing page.

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