Professional Business
Billing in Gruntify can be managed by any user with the “Owner” role or the “Manage Workspace” permission. To adjust billing settings, access the “Billing” page from the Web app menu.
Billing settings cannot be adjusted on the Gruntify mobile app
Enterprise Workspaces are not billed in-app - as such this article does not apply to these Workspaces
The billing page is separated into 2 tabs:
Billing Info is where you can change your billing details and settings
Billing History is where you can view your past invoices
Billing Info
The Billing Info page is comprised of a set of widgets to help you change your billing settings.
Your Plan Widget
In the Your Plan widget, you can see details about your current plan including the plan type and the number of seats you are subscribed for. By clicking “Update Plan” (or “Activate” if you are on a trial), you can open the Update Plan popup.
This popup allows you to make modifications to your current plan and subscription. This popup will also appear if you attempt to invite more users to your Workspace than you currently have available seats.
On the left
Plan tile
This will tell you what your current plan is and the monthly cost per seat
If you are on the Professional plan, there will also be a button you can click to upgrade to Business
Addons tile
This tile will only appear if you have paid Addons enabled in your Workspace
Currently, the cost of Addons is not included in your monthly total on this screen
You can manage Addons in Workspace Settings
Seats tile
This will allow you to adjust the number of seats in your subscription
You will not be able to reduce the number of seats below what is currently in use
Note that when inviting new users, the seat count will be automatically increased for you
You will need to manually decrease the number of seats in your subscription if you no longer require them after deleting/deactivating a user
Proration tile
This tile will only appear if you have an existing active subscription
It will allow you to preview the pro-rata charge that will be applied to the current billing period as a result of your subscription changes
To learn more about proration, read this: Prorated: What is Means and How It Impacts Customers (
Monthly total
This is a representation of your ongoing monthly bill with your current configuration
Note that this figure does not include Addons or Proration charges
On the right
Payment method
This will allow you to quickly adjust your payment method while updating your plan
You can also update your payment method on the dedicated payment method widget
If you have a coupon code, this will allow you to apply it while updating your plan
You will also see the currently applied coupon if applicable
You can also apply a coupon code on the dedicated promotions widget
Payment Method Widget
The Payment Method widget allows you to update your credit card information on-file. If you are still on a trial, you can choose to set up your payment method in advance so that activating your trial later is a 1-click affair.
Promotions Widget
The Promotions widget allows you to apply a coupon code to your subscription. This widget will only appear if you have an existing active subscription - as you cannot apply a coupon to a trial. If you have a coupon already applied, you will be able to see it here. You can only ever have a single coupon applied at a time.
If you are activating your plan from a trial, you will need to pay your first billing period at full price. Your coupon will apply for subsequent billing periods until it expires.
Company Information Widget
This widget allows you to provide billing details about your organization that you would like included on your invoices. By default, your organization name will be your Workspace name, and the billing email will be the email address of the Primary Owner.
If you would like to update this information, you are required to supply every field. Upon doing so, you will be able to click ‘Save’, and the information will be present on all future invoices. If you update the billing email address, Stripe will use the new address to send invoices via email every month.
Cancel Subscription Widget
If you wish to cancel your active subscription, this widget will allow you to do so without requiring you to delete your Workspace immediately. By cancelling through this widget, you will retain access to your Workspace until the end of your current billing period. After which, you will receive an email to inform you that your subscription has lapsed.
After your subscription lapses, you will have 1 week to reactivate before your Workspace becomes inaccessible to your users. Shortly after that, your Workspace data will be deleted permanently.
If you would instead prefer to delete your Workspace immediately, you can do that in settings.
Billing History
The Billing History tab allows you to view all previous invoices for your Workspace. If you are on a trial, this screen will not display any results (as you might expect).
This screen recently changed and will no longer display proration charges separately from your invoices
You can expect to see the following statuses for invoices on this screen:
Paid - The invoice is paid and requires no further action
Pending - The invoice has been generated, but we have not attempted payment yet
Retrying - Our initial attempt at receiving payment was declined, but we will automatically try again in a few days
Failed - All attempts at receiving payment have declined, and the Workspace plan has been voided (you will need to reactivate ASAP)
Invoices that contain proration charges will be specially marked in the ‘Prorated’ column. You will also notice that these invoices have a higher ‘Amount’ than other invoices without proration charges.
If you are concerned or have any questions about anything on this screen, please don’t hesitate to contact us via our support portal.