Sequential Numbering for Request IDs in New Workspaces

Release Identifier: 20220224

  • Click on Requests on left menu.

  • Click on New Request on top right.


  • Select the Request form.


  • Provide media and fill the details in the request form. Then in User menu, click on Submit button.


  • The success message is displayed, and the ID for Request is GR-00001.

  • Follow the same steps again and create 2nd request, the ID for that Request would be GR-00002 and so on.

Release Identifier: 20221104

  • Quick search modification. If sequential references are enabled:

    • '1' searches for 'GR-000001'

    • 'GR-1' searches for 'GR-000001'

    • 'abc123' searches for 'GR-000123'

    • '1234567890' searches for 'GR-1234567890'

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